This Quick-Fix Breakfast Recipe By Shilpa Shetty Is The Easiest Way To Pack A Punch In The First Meal Of Your Day


Breakfast Recipe: Shilpa Shetty prepares what she calls as the 'Mermaid Smoothie Bowl' in a recipe video uploaded on her Instagram profile which had berries & fruits.

This Quick-Fix Breakfast Recipe By Shilpa Shetty Is The Easiest Way To Pack A Punch In The First Meal Of Your Day
Shilpa Shetty's smoothie bowl recipe is a winner when it comes to quick and healthy breakfast recipes!


  • Shilpa Shetty shared a new recipe for Mermaid Smoothie Bowl
  • The recipe is the quickest breakfast fix you can get
  • It basically blends fruits with Almond milk and nutritious berries

Breakfast is the first meal of the day, and experts and dieticians recommend us to make it our healthiest and most power-packed. We all struggle to put together a meal that's healthy, packs a punch and is flavourful, especially considering our busy schedules and hectic lifestyles. And even when we do find such an ideal recipe, it is not easy to prepare and often takes too much time to put together. A recent recipe by Shilpa Shetty gives us exactly what we need - a quick breakfast recipe that's easy to prepare.

Shilpa Shetty prepares what she calls as the 'Mermaid Smoothie Bowl' in a recipe video uploaded on her Instagram profile. She began the video by saying that her followers had requested her for another smoothie bowl recipe, which is quite the trend these days. She then started to make her refreshing recipe by putting together various fruits such as kiwi, banana, pineapple and blueberries along with almond milk. The fruits were blended together in a mixer and then poured into a bowl. The smoothie had a liquid texture with a slightly blue-purple hue. The smoothie bowl was then garnished with flaxseed powder, whole blueberries and apple cut in the shape of flowers. An additional ingredient used to garnish was edible flowers, which gave the whole dish a beautiful look that looked like a tasty treat too!

Watch Mermaid Smoothie Bowl recipe video here:

Smoothie bowls are quite the fad these days, and Shilpa Shetty is a celebrity who practices what she preaches. After she shared the IGTV recipe on her Instagram handle, she was seen eating what looked like a smoothie bowl for breakfast while on her way to shoot. #ShootDay #BreakfastOnTheGo was what she captioned her recipe as, which had the choicest of berries and nuts garnished along with seeds on top. The smoothie bowl also looked a little thicker than the regular smoothie, which may mean that the actress had added some oats to her concoction too.

(Also Read: Shilpa Shetty Kundra's High-Power Salad Is Giving Us Major Healthy Food Inspiration)


The best thing about the smoothie bowl is that it is refreshing and satiating without being too heavy or high in calorific value. The smoothie bowl has a number of health benefits, ranging from being anti-inflammatory to rich in fibre and nutrients. If you're looking for a recipe that's easy on the eyes, yet healthy and appetizing - smoothie bowl is the way to go.

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