6 Drinks For Intermittent Fasting Period To Keep You On Track


Intermittent fasting is made easier with satisfying drinks that you can have during the fasting period.

6 Drinks For Intermittent Fasting Period To Keep You On Track
Healthy drinks keep you hydrated and promote weight loss.


  • Intermittent diet involves fasting for longer hours.
  • Only low-cal drinks are allowed during the fasting periods.
  • These beverages are perfect to add to your intermittent fasting diet.

Are you following the intermittent fasting (IM) diet to lose weight and turn healthier? You would know that the fasting periods are not easy to survive, especially after waking up in the morning till the eating window starts. The only thing that gets us going is the drinks that are allowed during this time. During the fasting periods, only drinks with no or low-calorie content are allowed. These come as a much-needed respite for growling stomach and longing taste buds, and inadvertently help us stick to the regime. Nutritionist Nandini Agarwal suggested six fantastic drinks to keep you on track during your fasting hours and keep your tummy happy.
Also Read: Can Intermittent Fasting Help Reverse Diabetes? New Research Reveals 

Here Are 6 Best Drinks For Intermittent Fasting:  

1. Water: Hydrate, Hydrate Hydrate 

Water is the first thing we need and want when thirst strikes hard. No wonder water is called one of life's essential wonders. It hydrates and quells thirst perfectly. Water's benefits don't here. It also helps flush out toxins from your body and maintains your energy levels when you need it the most.
Also Read: Planning Intermittent Fasting? Pause, Check If It's Best For You 

2. Green Tea: Nature's Immunity Booster 

It's common knowledge that green tea is rich in antioxidants, which not only boost the body's metabolism but also protect it from radical damage. The small amount of caffeine in green tea also boosts your energy to keep you going during fasting hours. Click here to find out more benefits of drinking green tea.  

3. Black Coffee: Perfect Morning Ritual 

Are you addicted to black coffee? It's time to celebrate the beverage on the IM diet. Black coffee will not only suppress your appetite but also make you more alert. The caffeine in black coffee improves your metabolism to helps the body burn more calories. Click here to find out how black coffee helps you shed extra weight.  


4. Herbal Tea: A Soothing Sip 

The best thing about green tea is you can pick the one that suits your palate. There are countless flavours and blends you can explore. They're hydrating and work to suppress hunger. We have some amazing herbal tea recipes for you to try. Click here.  

5. Sparkling Water: Fizz And Guilt-Free 

Sparkling water is the ideal guilt-free way to enjoy some fizz while sticking to your fasting plan. Sparkling water gives a delightful tickle to your taste buds, making you feel more satisfied than plain water. You can opt for simple sparkling water or experiment with flavoured ones, just be cautious of added sugars.  


6. Apple Cider Vinegar: The Digestive Drink 

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been praised for its potential benefits during intermittent fasting. It may help stabilise blood sugar levels, control appetite, and improve digestion. Just a small shot of ACV diluted in water can kickstart your fasting hours on the right foot. 

With these healthy and satisfying drinks, you'll find it easier to stick to your fasting schedule and achieve your health and fitness goals.  


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