5 Weight Loss Diet Myths That May Have Been Hindering Your Weight Loss Goals


Weight loss: Falling for some of these myths may prove detrimental to not just your weight loss goals but can also take your overall health for a toss.

5 Weight Loss Diet Myths That May Have Been Hindering Your Weight Loss Goals
Take note of these points, be patient with yourself.


  • Weight loss could be an overwhelming affair
  • You cannot lose weight in a span of a few days
  • One must look for sustainable weight-loss strategies

Weight-loss is no cakewalk and the process itself could prove to be harrowing for some, which is why a lot of us tend to seek advice wherever we can. Internet, magazines, friends- you can find weight-loss related advises anywhere in today's time. While it is a good thing that there is no dearth of information around weight loss and fitness in today's time, but one also needs to understand, that there are several myths doing the rounds too. And the true challenge here is to tell myths from facts and decide a perfectly balanced plan for yourself. Falling for some of these myths may prove detrimental to not just your weight loss goals but can also take your overall health for a toss. We are attempting to debunk some common weight-loss diet myths. Have a look and make sure you are not falling for any of these.

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1. Myth: Ruling Out Carbs Is A Good Weight Loss Strategy

Reality: Carbohydrates have earned a bad reputation in the world of health and nutrition, they are seen as weight-inducing. Carbohydrates are an essential macronutrient needed to sustain life. Carbs supply energy to the brain. Carbohydrates can be classified under 'bad carbs' and 'good carbs'. The former contains all your refined and processed goods, like white bread, refined-grain pasta, instant noodles etc. They tend to contribute to weight-gain. Good carbs, on the other hand, are the ones rich in fibre. Whole grain products, leafy green vegetables, legumes are sources of good carbs. They take a while to get digested, which makes you feel satiated. If you are satiated, you are less likely to overeat. 

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Weight Loss: Carbohydrates have earned a bad reputation in the world of health and nutrition


2. Myth: All Fats Are Bad

Reality: Just like carbs, fats are misjudged too. Fats can also be categorised under 'good fats' and 'bad fats'. Goods fats are essential for overall health. They help boost our skin health build arterial walls. Good fats like cheese, avocado, olive oil are also known to do wonders for weight loss. They may be high on calories, but these calories are not empty. They are dense in nutrients. If you feel full, you would naturally binge less. 

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Fats can also be categorised under 'good fats' and 'bad fats'

3. Myth: Starving and skipping meals may speed up your weight loss journey

Reality: No matter what the fad diets may claim, starving and skipping meals is not a sustainable weight-loss strategy. You can keep yourself away from food only to a certain extent, and once you break you tend to eat anything and everything that comes your way, that too in great quantity-leading to calorie overload. Keep eating at regular intervals, this way you remain satiated for longer spells and keep a safe distance from fried and fattening foods. While you are at it, make sure you are practicing portion control and also ensuring a thorough check on the kind of food that you are eating. If you are even slightly wary of the ingredients used. Do not have it, instead grab a fruit or some nuts.


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4. Myth: One Must Work Out On An Empty Stomach

Reality: Working out on an empty stomach may lead to muscle loss, hence it is best to tuck into something light and nutritious before you set out for the drill. Have some easily digestible carbs before an intense session. Here are some pre-workout snack ideas you can try. 


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Weight-Loss: Working out on an empty stomach may lead to muscle loss

5. Myth: One Must Cut Out On All Snacks


Reality: Snacking is not a problem, it is the kind of snack you pick that could affect your weight loss regimen in a big way. Snacking on heavily fried, sugary or ultra-processed food generates copious amounts of empty calories that get stores as fats. Meanwhile, healthy snacking may help you shed a pound or two (Think: Fruits, nutty trail-mix, oats, protein shakes). Having small portions of these healthy snacks through the day is known to keep your metabolism soaring.  

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Weight Loss: Healthy snacking may aid weight loss 

Take note of these points, be patient with yourself. Weight loss is a time-consuming process. Make sure you do not fall for false myths and assumptions. Some fad diets may claim to do magic in a matter of days, but they are hardly sustainable. Meaning, you would lose a chunk of your weight in a jiffy and put it on again. It is also important to understand that a sustainable weight-loss diet is incomplete without a dedicated focus on fitness and physical activity. If you cannot sweat it out in gym every day make sure you engage in some form of light to moderate activity that involves you to move your muscles.

Light exercise, yoga, cycling, swimming, brisk walking are a few examples. Ditching the lift or escalator and taking a stair-case, walking to the market, instead of taking the car- there are ideas galore in which can bring about a change in your life, one small step at a time. Another very important factor is to take heed of your dietary requirements. Do not make any major alteration without consulting an expert. It could do more harm than good. Always, seek expert advice before including anything new in your diet. If you are on medicines, make sure you never forget to take them on time. Your body needs all your care and attention, do not take rash decisions just because you think doing so would lead to weight-loss.

(This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.)

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