There are a plethora of diets trending these days that help you curb your hunger and cravings, further facilitating weight loss. Intermittent fasting diet, for instance, is the newest rage that claims to help you lose weight quickly. The diet involves alternating cycles between eating and fasting with only an 8-hour window for eating, and rest 16 hours for fasting, every day. Even those people not following intermittent or any other diet usually exercise restrain to avoid overeating and to lose weight. The struggle here is to fight hunger during the fasting period; eating foods that would help you stay sated for a longer time could do the trick. MCT oil is the newest weight loss aid to hog the limelight for its ability to abate cravings.
What Is MCT Oil? How Does It Aid Weight Loss?
MCT (Medium Chain Triglyceride) oil is a type of saturated fatty acid found in some foods that may help you wade through the fasting period with ease. Sheryl Salis, a registered dietician and wellness coach from Mumbai, says, "MCTs have a unique chemical structure that are metabolised in a different way as compared to other fats. These are instantly converted into ketones for energy and do not get stored in the body like other fats." Diets like intermittent and keto would prove better results if MCT oil is consumed in abundance.
(Also Read: 5 Easy Weight Loss Tips You Can Try At Home)
MCT oil helps in controlling hunger pangs and thereby, aiding weight loss.
Health Benefits Of MCT Oil
As per weight management expert, Dr. Gargi Sharma, "The many antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties of MCT oil make it a healthy choice for several health conditions." Apart from helping with weight loss, MCT brings in a surge of energy, help build metabolism, sooth digestion and also boost health.
How Can You Add MCT Oil To Your Diet?
It's almost a trend now for health fanatics to add extracted MCT oil to bullet coffee, smoothies and even salads. If you don't have the extracted oil with you, you can consume those foods that contain this fat in ample quantity.
(Also Read: How To Eat Coconut Oil: 4 Yummy Ways To Add It To Your Diet, Benefits and Recipes)
Coconut oil is the best source of MCT oil.
Following Foods Are Rich Sources Of MCT Oil:
Coconut oil is said to be the best source of MCT fatty acids. In fact, most of the MCT oil extract available in the market is derived from coconut oil. In south India, it is common to cook dishes with coconut oil. Apart from south Indian dishes, you can use this oil to cook your regular meals too. Some people even add a teaspoon of coconut oil to their morning cup of tea of coffee.
Other than coconut oil, palm oil, butter and most of the dairy products like eggs and milk (especially, goat milk) contain MCT in high quantities. So, add these foods to your diet if you want to lose weight by controlling your food intake.