Weight Loss: This Spinach-Sweet Potato Soup May Boost Metabolism And Keep You Warm During Winters


Our bingeing tendency often slows down the process of metabolism that further leads to unhealthy gut, indigestion and weight gain.

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Weight Loss: This Spinach-Sweet Potato Soup May Boost Metabolism And Keep You Warm During Winters
This soup recipe strikes right balance between taste and the healthy seasonal produce


  • Unlike summers, we tend to eat more heavy foods during winter.
  • Our bingeing tendency often slows down the process of metabolism
  • Hence, taking special care of your metabolism is a must to manage weight

Come winters and we all start bingeing on our favourite seasonal foods! From butter and ghee-laden sarso ka saag and makki ki roti to decadent gajar ka halwa - we literally go on an eating spree, loading ourselves up with double the food we normally consume. Have you ever thought why our appetite increases during this season? Nutritionist Meher Rajput explains, "Unlike summers, we tend to eat more heavy foods during winter. That's how our body keeps itself warm during this chilly weather. Moreover, our body releases more energy in winters to keep up to body's normal temperature. Hence, it craves for calorific food."

However, our bingeing tendency often slows down the process of metabolism that further leads to unhealthy gut and indigestion. The delayed metabolism also affects our body weight and results in excess fat deposition. Hence, taking special care of your metabolism is a must to manage weight and overall health. "However, that definitely doesn't mean you can't relish the amazing winter treats at all. All you need to remember is, moderation is the key to good health," added Meher Rajput.

We bring you a simple and soul-soothing soup recipe that strikes the right balance between taste and the healthy and nutritious seasonal produce. It includes the goodness of winter greens (spinach), sweet potato, garlic and some warm spices (black pepper). Besides inducing good metabolism and weight loss, this hearty bowl of spinach-sweet potato soup can help you keep warm in this nippy weather. Let's take a look at the recipe!

Here's The Recipe Of Spinach-Sweet Potato Soup For You:


1 cup spinach

1 sweet potato


6-8 cloves of garlic, chopped

Black pepper, as per taste


Salt, as per taste

1 teaspoon butter



Clean and put the spinach leaves in a blender and make a puree of it. Keep aside.

Roast the sweet potatoes using any process you want.


Peel and cut them into small crouton-sized cubes. You may also sauté the sweet potatoes with salt in some oil.

Now heat a pan, add butter and garlic, and fry.


Once the garlic starts releasing flavour, add the spinach puree and close the lid.

Let it cook for a minute.

Now add the sweet potatoes and mix.

Transfer it to a bowl, add salt and pepper as per your taste and enjoy.

Happy and healthy winters!

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