Healthy Snacking Is All About Going Nuts Over Nuts: Here's How You Can Include Nuts In Your Diet


Replacing unhealthy snacks with healthier alternatives

Healthy Snacking Is All About Going Nuts Over Nuts: Here's How You Can Include Nuts In Your Diet


  • Healthy Snacking is a new food trend
  • Munching on healthy munchies won't add up to your calorie count
  • Go for healthy snacking and elevate both your mood and health

Imagine sitting in front of your laptop or television, watching your favourite movie and gorging on greasy, high-calorie not-so-healthy snacks and then later regretting the fact that you've put on weight. People find it difficult to separate watching television from snacking. It's an age-old ritual, where everyone sits in front of a television and eats. The solution to this problem is not to just simply cut out eating in between the meals because not everyone is comfortable with that idea.  One way to handle this would be to replace unhealthy snacks with healthier alternatives. To be precise, one can invest in nut-based snacks. These kinds of snacks will not only keep off the extra kilos but also taste equally good.

Here are some superbly amazing health benefits of nuts:


This particular nut is our granny's favourite. Isn't it? From using it as garnishing on kheer and halwa to putting it in ubtans, almonds have been her favourite.

Almonds have actually become everyone's favourite because of the innumerous health benefits they exhibit. Being nutrient-dense, these are immensely rich in healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, protein, magnesium, fibre and antioxidants, which helps in lowering down the cholesterol levels, blood pressure, promoting eye health and the list goes on.

A handful of almonds can improve your memory


Not only are pistachios tasteful and irresistible but are super healthy as well. Pistachios are rich in vitamin B6, high in antioxidants, low in calories, yet high in protein etc. which helps in promoting healthier gut health, lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels and promoting weight loss as well.


Pistachios are deliciously versatile and thereby are enjoyed in a variety of ways i.e. as a snack or for garnishing desserts and dishes.

They can also be used to make nut butter.

Salted Pistachios 


Like all nuts, walnuts contain healthy fats, such as monosaturated and polysaturated fats.

They are rich in iron, selenium, calcium, zinc, vitamin E, promoting overall health and functioning of both brain and heart.

Walnuts are the age-old brain food


This super delicious kidney-shaped nut is loaded with high levels of iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, phosphorus, manganese, which promote good cholesterol. It also helps in maintaining the optimal glucose level in diabetics, supports healthy muscles and bone, assists in energy production and provides flexibility in blood vessels, bones and joints.

Delicious cashews for good cholesterol


This crunchy nutritious nut is extensively rich in minerals, antioxidants, fibres and vitamins, which helps in promoting the cardiovascular health, digestive health, helps in weight loss, reduces the risk of breast cancer, promotes bone and teeth health, reduces blood pressure, and reduces the risk of a heart attack. Pecans exhibit anti-cancer properties, strengthen the immune system, prevent skin problems and help in maintaining a clear complexion.

Eat Pecans to boost your health


Hazelnuts are a good source of vitamin E, healthy fats, proteins and dietary fibres, which helps in reducing weight gain, supporting healthy bowel movements, protecting cell damage, lowering cholesterol, improving insulin sensitivity, supporting heart health, reducing inflammation, improving sperm count etc.

Hazelnuts are usually eaten as a snack or can also be added to salads, smoothies and shakes.

Hazelnuts in shakes and smoothies combat both health and taste


Packed with healthy fats and high-quality protein, peanuts are one of the most popular nuts, which are not only low in carbs but are excellent sources of biotin, copper, niacin, folate, manganese, phosphorous and magnesium too, which helps in promoting heart health, prevents gallstone.

Being high in fat, this particular nut should not be eaten in excess.

Peanuts are one of the most versatile nuts

The following are some delectable nutritious nutty snacks, which are a must try:

 1.Oatmeal-Walnut Cookies

    For all the healthy foodies who have a big sweet tooth, we got you something interestingly delicious and healthy as well.

(Also Read: 11 Best Oatmeal Recipes)

Delicious healthy cookies

2. Curry Roasted Pistachios

We Indians love anything and everything prepared in spicy hot curries and we are sure you won't be able to stop noshing over this spicy, crispy, unbelievably delectable satisfying snack which is worth drooling.

3. Apricot, Date and Cashew Snack Balls

Easy to make, this particular snack dish is packed with the goodness of both taste and function. Filled with sweet, buttery flavours and nutritious ingredients, this is a perfect healthy snack to binge on while watching your favourite series.

Scrumptious Snackballs

4. Honey-Roasted Nuts

  The goodness of nuts combined with the aromatic spices and lip-smacking honey creates a delicious on-the-go snack.

(Also Read: Try Out this Nutty Mocha)

Honey roasted peanuts

5. Tempting Date and Pistachio Bites

  The delectable dulcified taste of dates and raisins paired with crunchy, nutty pistachio makes it a perfect go-to evening snack.

Healthy nutty bites

Believe in yourself, listen to your body, be a free-spirited snacker and feed not just your body but your soul as well by munching on these super healthy nut snacks, which are not only filling but are healthy too. Believe us, it isn't really a bad idea, when snacking can help you in improving your health and elevating your mood. So stay healthy always. Happy snacking!

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