Restaurant-Style Pulao: Kashmiri Mushroom Pulao Recipe By Mealability's Chef Is A Must-Try During (Watch Recipe Video)


Gucchi Pulao Recipe: Make Kashmir-special morell (mushroom) pulao from Mealability restaurant during lockdown to add variety to your lunch or dinner menu. This pulao is made with Kashmiri mushroom called gucchi (or morell), which is a wild variety of mushroom.

Restaurant-Style Pulao: Kashmiri Mushroom Pulao Recipe By Mealability's Chef Is A Must-Try During (Watch Recipe Video)
Kashmir-style mushroom pulao is a delicious rice dish.


  • Mealability restaurant shared an amazing recipe of pulao.
  • Kashmiri mushroom pulao is a must-try during lockdown.
  • Watch the Gucchi Pulao Recipe video to make it at home.

Exotic cooking was always reserved for weekends. If you are planning to make a rice dish for your family, give the usual aloo pulao and matar pulao a break, make this chef-special Kashmiri mushroom pulao, right off the menu of Mealability restaurant. Chef Sanjay Raina dished out this secret recipe of their famous dish that you can now make at your own home. Cook like a chef and impress your family!

Watch recipe video of Kashmiri mushroom pulao here:

(Also Read: Corn Pulao Recipe: How to Cook This Popular Rice Dish)

This pulao is made with Kashmiri mushroom called gucchi or morell, which is a wild variety of mushroom found in the mountainous region of the Himalayas. Gucchi pulao is a common meal in Kashmiri cuisine and is also made in some areas of Himachal Pradesh. The distinct earthy flavour of this pulao will make you forget about all other rice recipes you've been making. 

Make Kashmir-special morell (mushroom) pulao from Mealability restaurant during lockdown to add variety to your lunch or dinner menu.


Step-By-Step Recipe Of Gucchi Pulao:

Ingredients -

1 cup gucchi, soaked


2 cups basmati rice

2 tbsp ghee


Half cup almonds

Half cup cashews


2-3 bay leaves

1 cinnamon stick


2-3 green cardamom

1 tsp turmeric powder

1 tsp garam masala

1 tsp dried fenugreek leaves

2-3 lemon wedges

Salt to taste

Method -

1. Heat ghee in a pan, shallow fry soaked gucchi, almonds and cashew nuts.

2. Boil water in a deep vessel. Add bay leaves, green cardamom and cinnamon stick to it.

3. Then add rice, turmeric powder and salt to taste.

4. Boil the rice for 20 minutes, rinse the rice in a bowl and add slices of lime over the rice.

5. Add gucchi and other dry fruit mix over the rice.

6. Then, add garam masala and dried fenugreek leaves over the rice and mushroom mix.

7. Mix all the contents together.

8. Serve hot.

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