Eat, Digest, Repeat! 6 Morning Rituals That You May Follow To Boost Metabolism


Breakfast helps break the overnight fasting period that slows down our digestion process and makes us lazy. Proper breakfast also aids our metabolism.

Eat, Digest, Repeat! 6 Morning Rituals That You May Follow To Boost Metabolism
Metabolism drives our overall health


  • Giving a healthy start to your day is of utmost importance.
  • It helps boost your metabolism and refuels you with energy.
  • We bring you some healthy ways to start your day.

'Metabolism' is the buzzword in the world of fitness and your health depends much on your metabolic system. Be it to shed those extra kilos or to keep up a healthy gut, you need proper metabolism to keep going. Let's start with understanding what metabolism? According to the Cambridge dictionary, it is a chemical process in your body that causes food to be used for energy, growth and overall health. This means, what we eat every day plays a major role in driving our metabolic system. And as per experts from across the globe, it is your first meal of the day that helps shape the process. Today, we will bring your attention to some healthy morning rituals that may help you stay active throughout the day.
Also Read: Why Is Your Metabolism Slow? You Could Be Making These Common Mistakes

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Why Breakfast Is Important To Boost Metabolism?

It is rightly said, "Morning shows the day". If you have to rely on shots of caffeine to sail through the afternoon slump, then surely your morning rituals are to be blamed. Breakfast helps break the overnight fasting period that slows down our digestion process and makes us lazy. With a balanced meal in the morning, your body gets refuelled with essential nutrients that further kick-starts the process and boost your energy levels and alertness. Besides it also activates the detoxification and nourishment processes in the body.
Aslo Read: Weight Loss: 5 Drinks To Increase Metabolism And Burn Fat Naturally

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Here're 6 Healthy Morning Rituals To Help Boost Metabolism:

1. Drink water:

Drinking water, the first thing in the morning, helps flush out the built-up toxins in the body, by regulating bowel movement. This further aids the process of metabolism, promoting energy, immunity, weight loss, blood sugar management and more.


2. Include detox drink:

As mentioned earlier, drinking water helps promote detoxification. Including some other healthy ingredients to it in right proportion helps speed up the cleansing process, promoting metabolism and digestion in the body. Here're some detox water options that you may add to your morning ritual.

3. Don't skip breakfast:

After kick-starting your day with a detox drink, it is important to eat a proper meal in the morning. Skipping breakfast will lead to gas formation in your gut, slowing down the digestion process for the rest of the day. That's not all. It may lead to inflammation, affecting other important functions in the body.


4. Add protein and fibre in your meal:

By now, we all know how important it is to have a proper breakfast. When we say proper, it means, including all the essential nutrients, especially protein and fibre in your meal. These nutrients help you stay full for long and make the most of other nutrients in the body. Here are some wholesome breakfast options for you.
Also Read: Mistakes People Commit While Trying To Lose Weight

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5. Avoid sugar:

Many of you love starting the day with some juice. Right? While we agree juice helps you add fluid in the meal, but drinking the artificial and packaged ones just adds extra sugar, instead of the actual nutrients. Sugar not only loads you up on unnecessary calories, but slows down the process of metabolism, making you feel heavy and lethargic.

6. A shot of caffeine:

Let's agree, we can't imagine a morning without our cup of coffee or tea. It provides us the rush of energy that helps us get out the bed and kick-start the day. Besides, it also helps boost the production of insulin and regulate the overall functioning of the body. But remember, have it in moderation as excess of anything can have negative effect on your health.
Now that you read it all, we suggest, follow these healthy morning rituals as per your body type and tolerance and enjoy a positive and energetic day throughout.


Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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