Want To Lose Weight? Here's Why You Should Be Eating More Beans


Want a flat belly? New research shows that adding beans to your daily diet could help you lower your BMI and shed those extra pounds!

Want To Lose Weight? Here's Why You Should Be Eating More Beans
Read on to learn why you should include beans in your daily diet.


  • A new study has found the weight loss benefits of beans.
  • Read below to learn how beans can help you lose weight.
  • Check out tips to add more beans into your daily diet.

A new study has found incredible weight loss and health benefits from including more legumes (beans in particular) in your daily diet. The study found that consuming two servings of beans daily is "significantly associated" with a lower BMI, reduced body weight, and a slimmer waistline. The researchers found these positive results after incorporating pinto beans, chickpeas, black beans, and kidney beans into the diets of the study participants. The findings of the study were published in the Nutrition Journal.

For the study, participants were divided into five groups based on their total bean consumption. Group 1 consumed the most beans, while Group 5 rarely incorporated legumes into their meals. Pinto beans, chickpeas, black beans, and kidney beans were the preferred choices. Soybeans were excluded.

The middle group had the lowest calorie contribution from beans. Group 1 reported an increased vegetable intake, while Group 4 consumed the most sweets and snacks. The researchers found that participants in Groups 1 and 2 had significantly lower body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, and body weight values.

Apart from the weight loss benefits, the researchers also highlighted that regular bean eaters enjoy a higher quality diet packed with essential nutrients compared to those who do not eat beans. According to researchers, people who eat beans regularly also tend to adopt an overall healthier eating pattern, which reduces their chances of developing health problems like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Include beans in your daily diet to boost your weight loss journey. Photo Credit: iStock


Tips To Add More Beans To Your Diet:

Here are some tips to incorporate more beans into your diet:

1. Add Beans To At Least One Meal

Start small by incorporating beans into at least one meal every day. You can eat baked beans for breakfast, cook the beans into a gravy dish for lunch, or make a wrap for dinner. If nothing works, start by adding beans to salads or eating them as snacks.
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2. Include Beans In Salads

Boil chickpeas or kidney beans and add them to your daily salad with lettuce, chopped tomato, cucumber, and carrots. Drizzle some lemon juice and enjoy.

3. Eat Roasted Beans As Snacks

Simply dry roast some chickpeas until crunchy. You can coat them in masala or eat them directly for a healthy and satisfying snack.
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4. Try Different Types Of Beans

Keep changing the types of beans you consume daily so that you do not lose interest. Enjoy kidney beans, chickpeas, black beans, pinto beans, and more varieties for different flavours and textures.

5. Make A Variety Of Dishes

Beans can be used in a variety of dishes like soups, stews, pasta sauce, Mexican chilli and hummus, and can also be added to meat dishes.


Include more beans in your diet and reap all the incredible health and weight loss benefits. Happy healthy eating!

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