With a following of more than 2 million users on Instagram, Mira Kapoor has become a name to reckon with on social media. Not only is she a favourite with brands, but she is also winning our hearts for her foodie side. Mira Kapoor, wife of actor Shahid Kapoor, has never shied away from admitting that she loves food. Mira Kapoor is a vegetarian, who keeps giving us a sneak-peak into her plate through social media. On Thursday evening, the 25-year-old gave a shout-out to Undhiyo made by one of her close friends. "Best undhiyo ever!!!" she captioned the story.
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The word Undhiyo or Undhiyu is derived from the Gujarati word 'undhu', which translates to upside down, since the dish is traditionally cooked upside down in earthen pots called 'matlu'. The dish is also cooked underground. Nowadays, people prefer to cook in pressure cookers. Some of the common vegetables used to make this mixed-veg delicacy are green beans, peas, unripe banana, potatoes, yam, small eggplants and muthia made of besan and fenugreek leaves. Undhiyo is usually prepared during winters. It may be a little cumbersome process to make it, but it is all worth it. Mira enjoyed the dish with a handful of rice. You can pair undhiyu with roti or bhakri too. This wholesome dish is usually made on special occasions like Makar Sankranti.
(Also Read: 13 Best Winter Vegetarian Recipes for Dinner | Popular Winter Vegetarian Recipes For Dinner)
Here's a recipe of Undhiyu. Try making it at home and let us know how you like it in the comment section below.