Bye-Bye Bloating! 7 Simple Rules To Fit In Your Favourite Dress Before A Party


We got you some quick and easy tips to prevent bloating just before a big event or party. Read on for details.

Bye-Bye Bloating! 7 Simple Rules To Fit In Your Favourite Dress Before A Party
Tips to debloat quickly


  • Bloating just before a big day can be off-putting.
  • Dresses going tight suddenly can be exhausting.
  • Here are few tips to prevent bloating instanty.

Picture this - you have a day to go for a big event and your favourite pair of jeans or the well-fitted lehenga suddenly turned tight! Such an off-putting situation, right? But don't worry, you didn't gain severe weight in a few hours. In fact, it's just the temporary bloat that's coming your way and it can be easily reversed. You read that right! In this article, we got you some amazing hacks that can be your saviour at the last moment and help you fit into your favourite dress perfectly. Can't wait to try out the tips? We totally get your excitement! So, without further ado, let's take you through the quick de-bloating tips that you can follow before every big event.
Also Read: Feeling Bloated After Every Meal? 5 Effective Remedies To Try

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Here Are 7 Tips To Get Rid Of Bloating Fast:

1. Drink warm water:

Keeping yourself well-hydrated is the key to the process. Water helps your metabolism run smoothly and if it is warm, then the digestion process speeds up. It also helps your kidney function properly, reducing water retention.

2. Drink herbal tea:

Much like water, herbal teas including peppermint tea, cumin tea and ginger tea amongst others help your body function smoothly. This prevents unnecessary acid formation in your gut, further avoiding the bloating risks. Click here for de-bloating tea recipe to try.

3. Don't skip meals:

Many of you have the tendency of skipping meals due to the high tension before a big day. But what you fail to realize is, doing that will release enzymes and form acid in the gut, making you feel bloated and irritated. Instead, have small, light and multiple meals throughout the day to keep yourself active and light.


4. Cut down salt consumption:

Salt, or sodium, if taken in excess amount retains water in the body, further making you feel bloated. Hence, it is always suggested to have a diet with less amount of sodium and include potassium-rich food items to counterfeit the effects of the former. Banana is one such amazing food option you can have to keep yourself full, yet snack light before an event. Here are some more potassium-rich food options for you to try.

5. Eat probiotics:

Probiotics help promote good bacteria in your gut that further aid metabolism, and the digestion process and nourish us from within. Hence, experts suggest having foods like dahi, achar, lassi et al to keep your tummy clean and running. Here are some of the best probiotics you can have on a daily basis.
Also Read: 6 Drinks That Can Help You Get Rid of Belly Fat


Photo Credit: iStock

6. Increase fibre intake:

Fibre helps you keep full for a long time, preventing unwanted cravings that make you reach out for junk and high-fat foods. Such processed foods slow down your digestion process and make you feel unnecessarily bloated. Click here for some food options that are loaded with fibre.


7. Avoid chewing gums:

You will often find people chewing gum at an event or before it. Some do it to control anxiety, while some use this process to curb appetite. But it actually affects you negatively in the longer run. Several studies have found that these gums contain artificial sweeteners like sorbitol which cannot be easily absorbed by the stomach, further making you feel bloated.
Follow these simple steps and shine bright during your special event. Thank us later!

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