Have you ever woken up with a bloated stomach? That feeling of a heavy tummy even though you didn't really overeat last night? Well, most of us may have been through this at some point and it is definitely not a pleasant feeling. Chances are that something you ate last night gave you a bloated tummy this morning. This common condition is usually caused by gas or acidity in the stomach and is generally related to your diet. Basically, bloating is a result of gas or fluid accumulating in the gastrointestinal tract (GI), or when the helpful bacteria in your large intestine have a hard time breaking down certain foods. So now, what are these foods that may be causing this condition? Here's a list you should keep handy. The most common foods that produce such digestive symptoms are known as FODMAPs, an acronym that stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols. FODMAPs are carbohydrates that do not get digested easily and are then fermented by the gut bacteria in the colon. Some of the foods that belong to this group are listed below: 1. Beans
Beans are type of legumes; they contain high amounts of protein and healthy carbs along with being rich in fiber. They are also a good sources of vitamins and minerals. However, most beans contain sugars known as alpha-galactosides that belong to the group FODMAPs. Some people may end up having a gassy intestine as a result. To avoid this it is always suggested to soak and sprout your beans and legumes in order to reduce the effect of FODMAPs. For example rajma, chhole, black eyed bean or chawli, etc.
They are also a good sources of vitamins and minerals2. Fizzy drinksAerated or carbonated drinks are known to be one of the most common reasons for bloating, especially amongst those who over-indulge in fizzy drinks. These drinks contain high amount of carbon dioxide, which is a gas. So, when you are drinking these drinks, you are consuming a lot of gas; some of the gas gets trapped in the digestive tract which could further cause an uncomfortable bloating.
Aerated or carbonated drinks are known to be one of the most common reasons for bloating3. OnionsAdded in almost all Indian delicacies, onions are underground bulb vegetables eaten in small quantities and that too mostly cooked. What most people don't know is that Onions contain Fructans, a molecule that humans don't produce enzymes to break down. As a result, it does not get absorebd well during the digestion process and begins to ferment inside the gut leading to gas and bloating.
What most people don't know is that Onions contain Fructans4. Dairy productsDairy products are nutritious, however, not many people are lactose tolerant which can cause major digestive issues like bloating, gas, cramping and diarrhea. Therefore, these products can easily be limited or waived off from the list of must-haves if you are lactose intolerant.
Dairy products are nutritious, however, not many people are lactose tolerant which can cause major digestive issues5. ApplesSurprising, isn't it? While apples are loaded with fiber, vitamin C and numerous antioxidants, they have been linked with bloating and other digestive issues for some. They have fructose, which falls under the category of FODMAP and high fiber content, which can cause certain health problems. Fructose and fiber can be fermented in the large intestine causing gas and bloating.
They have fructose, which falls under the category of FODMAP6. GarlicGarlic consists of fructans, which are a part of the FODMAP group casuing bloating and other digestive problems. However, cooking garlic may changes some compounds and reduce these effects.
Garlic consists of fructans, which are a part of the FODMAP group casuing bloating7. GrainsConsuming these grains like oats, barley, millet, ragi, etc may cause an immune reaction, destroying the lining of the small intestine, which further leads to issues like bloating, gas, diarrhea and constipation. If not immune response, the presence of insoluble fiber can still be fermented, leading to abundant bloating.(Also read: Here's How To De-Gas Rajma And Other Pulses)
The presence of insoluble fiber can still be fermented, leading to abundant bloating.If you think these foods are bloating you up, make sure you cook them well or de-gas them while cooking to experience negligible side-effects.
Beans are type of legumes; they contain high amounts of protein and healthy carbs along with being rich in fiber. They are also a good sources of vitamins and minerals. However, most beans contain sugars known as alpha-galactosides that belong to the group FODMAPs. Some people may end up having a gassy intestine as a result. To avoid this it is always suggested to soak and sprout your beans and legumes in order to reduce the effect of FODMAPs. For example rajma, chhole, black eyed bean or chawli, etc.
