Food Awards

10 Amazing Cake Decoration Ideas You'll Thanks Us For

Sep 15, 2015 12:03 IST
Who said good looking cakes can only be found behind a glass pane at your local new bakery? With a little bit of help from us and our amazing cake decoration ideas, take your cake to a whole new level.

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  • Cake Decoration: 10 Amazing Ideas you'll Thanks Us For

    You need a piping bag (or plastic bag + masking tape), a spoon and a tulle. Pipe a line (with tulle + piping bag holding the straight ahead). Take a spoon and smear it to the right. Pipe the next line and continue to repeat until you're done.

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  • Cake Decoration: 10 Amazing Ideas you'll Thanks Us For

    These gorgeous marshmallow petals are really easy to make. Keep a bowl of corn starch while you're making them and keep dipping your fingers in them. This is so that they don't stick to the marshmallow.

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  • Cake Decoration: 10 Amazing Ideas you'll Thanks Us For

    Layer your cake with a bed of roses or plant them across one side of it.

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  • Cake Decoration: 10 Amazing Ideas you'll Thanks Us For

    All you need is fondant for these easy-to-make flowers.

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  • Cake Decoration: 10 Amazing Ideas you'll Thanks Us For

    Peel a peach and slice it in half, horizontally. Pipe some chocolate over it and use almond slices as wings.

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  • Cake Decoration: 10 Amazing Ideas you'll Thanks Us For

    This is probably the easiest way to dress up what would otherwise be an ordinary chocolate cake. Take a ribbon shaped stencil and dust the rest of the cake with finely ground sugar.

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  • Cake Decoration: 10 Amazing Ideas you'll Thanks Us For

    Candied Carrot Curls They're orange, sweet and go great on top a carrot cake. Or any winter cake actually. Take broad carrot shavings, around 15 of them and put aside. Bring 1 cup water and 1 cup sugar to a boil, till the sugar has completely dissolved. Add the carrot strips and simmer, uncovered for about 15 minutes. Strain through a sieve, discarding the syrup. Let it stand for about 15 minutes. Preheat the oven to 225 F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and align the candied carrot slices on the sheet. Bake for about 30 minutes, till the carrot slices are flexible and dry. Wind them around a wooden spoon till they look like curls. Put them back in the oven for 30 to 45 minutes till they're absolutely dry. Let them cool.

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  • Cake Decoration: 10 Amazing Ideas you'll Thanks Us For

    Chocolate Pine Cones These chocolate pine cones are made from 3 cups of chocolate chips,sweetened condensed milk, 2 oz unsalted butter, 1/4th teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon almond extract, 1/2 cup milk chocolate wafers and 3 cups sliced natural raw almonds. Mix the chocolate chips, condensed milk, butter, salt, and almond extract in a large microwave-safe bowl. Microwave for one minute and then stir well. Or till the mixture is smooth and creamy. Cover the bowl with a plastic sheet for about 2 hours till its firm enough to roll. You can also put it in the fridge for about 45 minutes. Scoop them out and then roll them into an oval shape. Melt the milk chocolate wafers in the microwave, dip the almond pieces in that and stick them on the oval cone.

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  • Cake Decoration: 10 Amazing Ideas you'll Thanks Us For

    Chocolate Curls
    You can use a vegetable peeler or a metal spatula to create these gorgeous curls.
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  • Cake Decoration: 10 Amazing Ideas you'll Thanks Us For

    Make a fresh batch of caramel and when it hits 340 F and golden in colour, it's ready. Remove it from the heat and let it cool till its thick. That should take around 5 minutes. Now, take a spoonful of caramel at a time and drizzle it quickly back and forth quickly. The caramel should fall as light strands and will solidify quickly.

    Pull the nest off the strands and set it aside to cool. You can use this to decorate both your cakes and cupcakes.

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