Food Awards

5 Essential Diet Tips To Survive The Heat Wave

Apr 30, 2024 17:35 IST
The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has forecast a heatwave hitting several parts of India between April and June. Here are essential diet tips to survive the heatwave.
  • Drink More Water

    A heatwave casts a dry spell on your body, leading to dehydration and disruption in body temperature. Hence, ensure you drink more water.
  • Eat Seasonal Foods

    The Health Ministry recommends eating seasonal foods and fresh vegetables during summer to promote healthy digestion and to avoid gut problems.
  • Carry Light Food Items

    As per the USDA, heat in the air leads to rapid bacterial growth. Hence, carry light foods, whole fruits, etc. to fight the heatwave.
  • Homemade Coolers

    Drinks like coffee and tea may lead to extreme fluid loss in the body. Instead, consume cooling drinks like nimbu paani, chaas, etc., for electrolyte balance in the body.
  • Freshly Cooked Meals

    Risks of food contamination increase during the summer season. Hence, experts suggest eating freshly cooked meals every day to avoid foodborne illnesses.
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