Food Awards

5 Foods That May Help Lower Cholesterol

Jun 16, 2023 14:14 IST
A heart that's strong, resilient, and free from the clutches of high cholesterol levels. With the ever-increasing prevalence of this health concern, it's time to take action and give your heart the love and care it deserves. By inviting some fantastic foods into your diet, you can effectively lower your cholesterol levels, fortify your heart, and wave goodbye to those worrisome risks like heart attacks, strokes, and pesky high blood pressure.
  • Soy Milk

    Including soybeans and soy-based products like tofu and soy milk in your diet are known to have a positive impact on cholesterol levels. Consuming soy protein daily has the potential to lower LDL cholesterol by approximately five to six percent.
  • Oats

    Oatmeal is a beneficial option as it contains soluble fibre, which effectively reduces LDL or "bad" cholesterol. The fibre present in oats aids in limiting the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream.
  • Vegetable Oil

    Opting for liquid vegetable oils, such as canola and sunflower oil, instead of butter or lard when cooking, can aid in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.
  • Nuts

    Consuming heart-healthy nuts like almonds, walnuts, and peanuts can be beneficial for your cardiovascular health. The inclusion of two ounces of nuts in your daily diet may contribute to lower cholesterol levels.
  • Apple, Grapes & Citrus Fruits

    These fruits, including apples, grapes, and various citrus fruits, are rich in pectin, a type of soluble fibre that actively lowers bad cholesterol. Incorporating these fruits into your diet can help maintain your overall fitness.
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