Food Awards

5 Home Remedies That Can Help To Relieve Bloating

Oct 07, 2021 15:56 IST
Bloating is a common condition that many of us face throughout the day. To get relief from bloating, try these home remedies that can help.
  • 5 Home Remedies That Can Help To Relieve Bloating

    Weight loss is a difficult task for many of us. Even if we attempt to eat healthy and exercise every day, our bellies may still feel heavy. And when that happens, our bodies are frequently bloated as a result. Bloating is a frequent condition that affects many people. It happens when gas created by the digestion of foods builds up in your stomach and intestines instead of passing through. So, if you want to get some relief from bloating, check out these home remedies that can help.
  • Fennel Seeds

    Fennel seeds contain oils that aid indigestion. Chewing a few fennel seeds after each meal can help to relieve bloating.
  • Bananas

    Potassium-rich bananas can help alleviate bloating caused by salt. Maintaining a healthy sodium-potassium balance is essential for keeping the body's water balance in check. Avocados, kiwis, oranges, and pistachios are other potassium-rich foods to include in your diet.
  • Herbal Tea

    Herbal tea is commonly consumed after meals to improve digestion or lose weight, but did you know that it may also be used to ease bloating? It soothes and relaxes the digestive tract, allowing the bloated stomach to return to normal.
  • Yoghurt

    Yoghurt contains bacteria like lactobacillus, Bifidus, and acidophilus that aid digestion and reduce bloating. To prevent bloating, eat one bowl of dahi with each meal, or mix it with oats, Dalia, or khichdi to make it more nutritious.
  • Cucumber

    Cucumber, which is strong in vitamin C, can aid in preventing bloating and excessive water retention. Cucumber is a healthy vegetable that may be eaten raw or added to salads.
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