Food Awards

Cook Like A Pro: 5 Mistakes To Avoid In The Kitchen

Apr 21, 2023 15:45 IST
Cooking is an art that requires practice and experience. When making a particular dish, it's essential to follow all the steps and put the ingredients in the right order. However, many times, we make some common mistakes while cooking, which can change the taste of our dish. To help you avoid these mistakes, we have prepared a list of things to remember so that you can prepare delicious food for your family and yourself.
  • Throwing Away Pasta Water

    Never throw away boiled pasta water as it's full of starch. This starchy water helps the pasta mix with the sauce and makes it creamy.
  • Using a Dull Knife

    Using a dull knife takes longer to cut vegetables, requires more pressure, and can slip, causing injury. A sharp knife is essential for cutting vegetables evenly and quickly.
  • Overusing a Non-Stick Pan

    Although non-stick pans are popular, it's not suitable for making every dish, especially when you want to char or sear food.
  • Not Preheating the Oven

    It's often advised to preheat the oven as it helps in cooking evenly. If you don't preheat the oven, the dish may be undercooked.
  • Over-Mixing or Flipping Food While Cooking

    Over-mixing affects the temperature during cooking, so it's best to let the dish cook properly before flipping or mixing it.
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