Food Awards

Cooks Caption Contest

Mar 11, 2014 16:39 IST
Here's a serving of our best loved entries. Stay tuned for the winner!
  • Cooks Caption Contest

  • Cooks Caption Contest

    Here's a serving of our best loved entries.
  • Picture 1

    Dear guests, keep calm while I click a picture of the most delicious noodles ever made! - Ganil

    And that's how we 'share' our meal these days! - Tanvi

    "Hey, don't click!!? say the noodles. "I'm not dressed yet!" - Akshay

    I have to eat but first I have to post it. Hungry for ?likes'! - Vishal Singh Negi

    If only the phone could make the food taste better too. - Swaminathan's there? Pasta. Pasta who? Pass the test and you get an iPad. - Bari

    No time to eat, but all the time to tweet what I may or may not eat. - Arch Madness

  • Picture 2

    I ordered Caesar's salad. Not the real one that Caesar ate! - Akshay

    Hey man, you messed up my order. This is for the man with his wife at the next table ... I'm just back signing the divorce papers. - Ramesh

    Ok! I get it that's why the wine was complimentary. - Richard

    Do you call this food? Even my ex-girlfriend treated me better than this! - Mukesh

    Honey! I am on date, not on a diet! ? Sudip

    Another Fodder Scam - Arun Deo

  • Picture 3

    It's amazing how 'balanced' this diet is! - Animesh Pai

    All set to attack the gourmet's tower, win back his calories and conquer his hunger! - Rohan Agarwal

    A self-thought: "You might look huge. But, my hunger leads the way". - Ujwala Agarwal

    All set to gorge on the gorgeous! - Megha

    Riddle me this, riddle me that. When I'm through this, will I get fat? - Julien Menezes

    The 75th "Burger" games! May the calories be forever in your favour. - Sharmistha Ray

    For my next trick, watch me as I re-assemble this in my stomach. I think I'm tall enough! Don't worry hunger is not a factor, here goes. - Shawn Simmons

  • Picture 4

    The one who toasted me is I burnt! - Aditi

    My wife toast me out! - Anitha Aravind

    Who will be sandwiched with me now! - Sonika Daniel

    Too much smoking can kill, even bread! - Natasha

  • Picture 5

    Sometimes stealing is sweet. - Michael

    Trying to get some sweet dreams, that's all! - Anitha Aravind

    A secret, late night date with a dark fantasy! - Rohan Agarwal

    It happened one night! - Vijay Kumar

  • Picture 6

    If I had a penny for every frozen smile, I'd be waking up in Madam Tussaud's! - Candice Domingo

    Count the moments shared together; and calories too! - Nidhi Walia

    Food: Duh! The selfie syndrome again! Someone focus on me now. - Sarah

  • Picture 7

    "Waiter, there's no soup in my shrimp!? - Akshay

    Now that's what they call a 'Lo-cust' meal. - Ameya Naik

    Tastes just like chicken, he said. Eating squirming food builds character, he said. - Renjith R

    Farm fresh and backyard grown organic food! - John

    Get the BUGgers out of my sight! - Abhishek

    This bugs me. - James Christopher Baes Ramos

  • Picture 8

    A golfer's diet: Live on greens as much as possible. - Harsh Kotak

    No! Please don't eat us! We don't want to join the junk in your stomach! - Kanchan
  • Picture 9

    The scale of the problem appears to be fatty. - Riyaz

    Perhaps someone can invent a machine that can put the odds in my favour. - Ashok Jain

    After effects of the Oscars - I guess Gravity is playing games! - Aman Khajanchi

    Stress increases body weight. Eat both! - Monisha Naik

    I told you right! All the good things weigh more. - Yogi

  • Picture 10

    It's a news feed! Relish it. - Anirudha Sant

    Tell me your favorite channel. I'll put that in your plate. - Pankaj

    Which T.V soap is for dinner today? - Mohit Saxena

    This is what happens when people expect too much masala on a TV show. Literally! - Sai Krishna S

    TV - Try Vegetables. - Akshay

  • Picture 11

    Despresso: noun, {Liquid} A coffee on a sad & hopeless date. - Kanchan

    (Guy)- Google: 10 ways to impress a girl on a coffee date.....loading, please Wait! - Pramod

    Remember the tingly feeling when you first decided to go for coffee?! That was the mobile on vibrator. - Zohra Nasir

    How to loose a girl over a cup of coffee.... - Varun B

    Girl's mind: Why FaceBook, why not FaceMe - Ahmad

  • Picture 12

    How to burn 800 calories in 5 minutes! - Alka

    Charring: A method of cooking to give extra depth of flavor but more often used as an excuse if you are distracted! - Vinod

    Black to protect your food from hungry eyes! - Kiran

    Effortless charcoaled breakfast, savour it at your own risk, pleasure if any is all yours! - Erum Subzwari

    Burnt Specialty - Food for Learners. - Naresh Chellani
  • Picture 13

    Sharing "Calories" is caring! - Pannaga S Kumar

    5 4 3 2 1 let the hunger games begin. - Vicholous
  • Picture 14

    When you notice a distinct slowdown in the overall system performance ... Download COFFEE.EXE - Alka

    Decoding coffee - to bits and bytes of imagination. - Mohan

    Professional with 3+ experience in Java! - Sajith

    Stealing someone's coffee is called mugging. - Lalit Choraria

    This is what we call a coffee eclipse. - Shivaraj Naik

    Behind every successful man there is a substantial amount of coffee. - Amit

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