Food Awards

Detox Diet: These 5 Summer Foods Can Help To Lose Extra Kilos

May 23, 2022 09:35 IST
Detoxing your body of all the toxins refreshes you instantly. Here we bring you some summer foods that can help detox your body.
  • Detox Diet: These 5 Summer Foods Can Help To Lose Extra Kilos

    The heat is increasing by the day. But, as it turns out, summer is here to stay for a little longer, and if you're looking to shed some pounds this season, you've come to the correct place. Seasonal fruits and vegetables can assist your body to cleanse itself of harmful toxins and refresh you from the inside, while helping you stay in shape. Take a look at some of the foods you should eat this summer to detox your body.
  • Cucumber

    Cucumber is a hydrating and cooling food that contains around 95% water. It gets rid of impurities and maintains your health. Cucumber has a lot of bioavailable minerals, vitamins, and electrolytes in it.
  • Mint

    The antiseptic and antibacterial qualities of mint's active oil menthol help cure indigestion and soothe an upset stomach. The strong antioxidant content also helps to inhibit free radical activity, resulting in cleaner skin.
  • Lemon Water

    A lemon water detox can also help you shed those extra kilos due to its richness in pectin fibre. This fibre keeps you feeling fuller for longer. Lemon water is supposed to help with various digestive issues as well.
  • Watermelon

    Water makes up 94% of the weight of a watermelon. It is, therefore, one of the most hydrating and satisfying foods available in this hot weather. In addition, it helps avoid harmful build-up by filling you up with all the water and nutrients you need.
  • Raspberry

    According to experts, the ketones in raspberries help to prevent weight gain to a large extent. Raspberries are also high in vitamins B and C, which may help clear your skin.
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