
Food of Love: The Most Powerful Aphrodisiacs

Feb 12, 2016 11:00 IST
An aphrodisiac is a food or drink that stimulates sexual desires, drives passion and evokes the feeling of love. What could be more romantic than a homemade dinner?
  • Food of Love: The Most Powerful Aphrodisiacs

    Believe it or not, chillies can ignite the sparks of romance. They stir up endorphins in the body that give you a natural high and also speeds up your heart rate.
  • Food of Love: The Most Powerful Aphrodisiacs

    Vanilla is one of the most sought-after ingredients. Studies have shown that the fragrant aroma and rich flavour drives men. A lot of it can be attributed to its sweet and sensual aroma which enhances your mood.
  • Food of Love: The Most Powerful Aphrodisiacs

    Besides helping you relax and unwind, wine is known to trigger romantic trysts due to the power of its high antioxidant content. The silky, smooth feel that wine offers, reduces anxiety and lowers inhibitions.
  • Food of Love: The Most Powerful Aphrodisiacs

    This soft, plump fruit is known to have been found in the Garden of Eden. Ripe figs with seeds symbolize sexuality and the fig leaf represents modesty. It owes its passion powers to the high potassium and antioxidant content.
  • Food of Love: The Most Powerful Aphrodisiacs

    The feel-good strawberries can up your feelings almost easily. It is a popular myth that when Aphrodite's lover died she cried with such pain that her tears fell to the ground as tiny red hearts, which are known as strawberries today!
  • Food of Love: The Most Powerful Aphrodisiacs

    Honey contains enzymes and acids that help infuse energizers in our system. Some believe that 'honeymoon' gets its name from a beverage made with honey and wine which was served to the newlyweds as energy boosters back in the day.
  • Food of Love: The Most Powerful Aphrodisiacs

    Legend has it, the Aztec Emperor, Montezuma who drank a rich chocolate drink from gold cups about fifty times each day to pep up his sexual ability. Moreover, dark chocolate contains a chemical called phenylethylamine which is known to excite you.
  • Food of Love: The Most Powerful Aphrodisiacs

    It is believed that the forbidden fruit of the Bible which was eaten by Adam and Eve was not an apple, but a pomegranate. It holds quite an exotic reputation due to the rich antioxidant content which is known to support blood flow.
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