Food Awards

Winter Weight Loss: These 5 Foods Can Help You Lose Weight Easily

Jan 03, 2022 09:38 IST
We all now that losing weight can be a difficult journey. But adding certain foods to your diet can help to accelerate this process. Here we have 5 winter foods that can aid in the same.
  • Winter Weight Loss: These 5 Foods Can Help You Lose Weight Easily

    If your new year resolution is to lose weight, look no further. We are here to help you! Weight loss can certainly be a challenging task. But when you indulge in the right kind of diet and follow a healthy routine, weight loss starts becoming easy for most of us. So, this winter, we bring you five such foods that can aid in weight loss. These foods can also be accommodated easily in your diet! Take a look at them below:
  • Fenugreek Seeds

    Fenugreek seeds are known to be effective at controlling blood sugar levels and increasing insulin secretion. Aside from that, the seeds aid in the acceleration of metabolism. Fenugreek seeds contain galactomannan, a water-soluble component that helps to curb cravings.
  • Beetroot

    Beetroot is high in fibre, which aids in weight loss. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, 100 grams of beetroot contains about 43 calories, 0.2 grams of fat, and 10 grams of carbohydrates.
  • Guava

    Guava is one of the winter fruits we can't get enough of because it's crunchy and delicious. Guavas are said to be high in dietary fibre, providing about 12% of your daily recommended fibre intake. The fruit can also help to improve your digestive system.
  • Cinnamon

    Many winter recipes call for this warm, woody spice. It turns out that this wonder spice can also help you shed a few pounds. This is because cinnamon stimulates the metabolism in a natural way.
  • Carrots

    Carrots are high in fibre, which takes a long time to break down and digest, keeping you satisfied for longer. You will naturally binge less if you are satisfied. Carrots are also low in calories and do not contain any starch.
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