A poor diet including high fat and cholesterol-enriched food may up risk of developing eye diseases which could lead to sight loss.
A new study suggests that a higher level of physical activity cannot outweigh the damage caused by a poor diet, especially when it comes to mortality.
Over 130 scientists from around 40 countries took part in the analysis and the results are shocking enough to push you towards a healthy diet immediately.
A new study has said that a poor diet characterised by excessive consumption of junk foods may affect long-term spatial memory.
A World Health Organisation (WHO) survey released Tuesday showed that most Africans had at least one risk factor for developing one of these diseases, such as smoking, a lack of exercise, poor diet and obesity.
The study analysed data from 195 countries and found that one in five deaths globally -- equivalent to 11 million deaths -- are associated with lack of optimal amount of food and nutrients.
Immunity is not built in a day. It requires time, good food, and healthy lifestyle choices to fortify yourself with strong immune health.
There is great potential to improve health by avoiding certain risks like smoking and poor diet as well as tackling environmental risks like air pollution
According to a latest study, consuming a poor diet may give rise to a number of health issues, one of them being cancer.
Poor dietary habits, increased stress and harsh skincare routines were among the most significant factors associated with acne.