Children's brain develops rapidly and a good diet help with their healthy growth. Make a note of these diet tips
The states of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh reported the highest levels of inadequate diversity in children's diets.
Stronger bones in children need a well-rounded diet abundant in calcium and vitamin D-rich foods, both pivotal for bone strength.
COVID 19 Effect: A research from University at Buffalo found out that overweight children ate extra meal per day during the lockdown period and also ate more of unhealthy foods.
Nutrition is extremely necessary for the child's overall healthy development and growth.
Changes in the diet of early adolescents can begin with small steps, such as creating quality and attractive lunch boxes for children.
Child obesity or weakness or other such child nutrition issues can be tackled by understanding why different children have differing abilities. A great way to do this is by instilling ideal eating behaviour in the ...
Children learn by example, not by lecture. This is why embracing healthy eating as a family is key.
Prevent Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in children with these expert-approved health tips
It's a constant worry for parents to feed their children with enough calcium. The nutrient acts like a building block for bones and teeth in their growing up years, and hence, is extremely important to ...