Food Awards

Circadian Rhythms

Circadian Rhythms - 6 News Result(s)
  • The Body's Internal Clock or Circadian Rhythms, and How it Affects Sleep
    The Body's Internal Clock or Circadian Rhythms, and How it Affects Sleep

    US scientists win Nobel Prize for study on internal body clock. So what really is Circadian Rhythms?

  • Erratic Meal Timings Disrupt Body Clock And Raise Risks Of Heart Disease, Diabetes: Study
    Erratic Meal Timings Disrupt Body Clock And Raise Risks Of Heart Disease, Diabetes: Study

    The study, published in the Journal of Cell, said that eating time is important knowledge for the body and impacts our health.

  • Eating Late Night Meals May Make You Gain Weight
    Eating Late Night Meals May Make You Gain Weight

    Circadian rhythms, metabolism and nutrition are intimately linked. Delaying your meals may have an effect on glucose levels.

  • Sleeping Time Linked to Poor Self-Regulation Among Teens
    Sleeping Time Linked to Poor Self-Regulation Among Teens

    Poor self-regulation among teens is strongly associated with when one sleeps in relation to their body's natural circadian rhythm, finds a study.

  • New Retina Cells May Help Treat Jet Lag, Say Researchers
    New Retina Cells May Help Treat Jet Lag, Say Researchers

    A new group of cells in the retina may directly affect the biological clock by sending signals to a region of the brain which regulates our daily (circadian) rhythms, says study.

  • 10 Foods And Drinks To Have Before Bed Even If You Work Night Shift
    10 Foods And Drinks To Have Before Bed Even If You Work Night Shift

    Our body clock takes its cue from sunlight. It sets the circadian rhythm of our body which, in turn, affects all the bodily functions hence it it is advisable to not eat very late and ...

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