Food Awards

Peanut Allergy Prevention

Peanut Allergy Prevention - 2 News Result(s)
  • Peanut Allergy In Kids? Here's How You Can Reduce Allergic Reactions (Study)
    Peanut Allergy In Kids? Here's How You Can Reduce Allergic Reactions (Study)

    Exposing children to a small, regular dose of an allergen (in this case peanut) in a real-world setting (outside of a clinical trial) is effective in reducing the risk of allergic reactions.

  • UK Woman Purchases 48 Packets Of Peanut While On Flight - Here's Why
    UK Woman Purchases 48 Packets Of Peanut While On Flight - Here's Why

    UK-based Leah Williams had to purchase 48 packets of peanuts on her flight due to her peanut allergy.

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