Food Awards

Reduces Appetite

Reduces Appetite - 4 News Result(s)
  • What Causes Appetite Loss During Illness
    What Causes Appetite Loss During Illness

    A new study has discovered how an immune system molecule hijacks a brain circuit and reduces appetite when you are inflicted with an illness.

  • Barley Benefits: How It Could Help Reduce Blood Sugar Level
    Barley Benefits: How It Could Help Reduce Blood Sugar Level

    A recent study done by Lund University in Sweden states that eating a special mixture of dietary fibres found in barley can help reduce appetite and blood sugar levels.

  • This May Be the Reason Why You Have Been Unable to Reduce Belly Fat
    This May Be the Reason Why You Have Been Unable to Reduce Belly Fat

    While increased stress can result in reduced appetite at first, long-term and chronic stress may eventually make you binge on fatty foods. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as stress induced weight gain.

  • What You Eat May Impact Your Memory And Brain: Study
    What You Eat May Impact Your Memory And Brain: Study

    According to a recent study published in the journal, 'Neurobiology of Aging', high levels of a satiety hormone that reduces appetite could decrease a person's likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease by 65 per cent.

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