5 Effortless Strategies To Cut Liquid Calories And Boost Weight Loss


Before we learn how to avoid liquid calories, we must know the truth about calories. However bad it sounds, calories are not that bad for our health. Read on.

5 Effortless Strategies To Cut Liquid Calories And Boost Weight Loss
Calories are actually an energy measure and are needed by our bodies


  • We consider only the calories that we get from food.
  • What about the ones that we get from beverages?
  • These are liquid calories and excess of these are bad for weight loss.

When it comes to shedding those extra pounds, the journey often begins with the simplest changes in our daily habits. Calories is the buzzword in the world of weight loss and everyone seems to be scared of it. Did you know that what we see as calories is not the whole picture? We consider only the calories that we get from food. What about the ones that we get from beverages? Intrigued? Well, these are called liquid calories and excess of these are bad for weight loss. While we focus on avoiding fried and junk food, what frequently goes overlooked is our liquid intake. Those seemingly harmless beverages can sneak in extra calories and hinder our weight loss efforts. Fear not, for we've gathered some easy tips to help you keep those liquid calories at bay and make strides toward your weight loss goals.
Before we learn how to avoid liquid calories, we must know the truth about calories. However bad it sounds, calories are not that bad for our health. Consultant nutritionist Rupali Datta reveals, "Calories are actually an energy measure and are needed by our bodies to stay alive!" So, some amount of calories from good food and drink sources are actually good for you but you must exercise caution with the amount and the way you consume them, and should definitely prevent the intake of excessive and harmful calories. Carbonated drinks, energy drinks, and artificially flavoured drinks - all are sources of harmful liquid calories. So, how do you prevent their intake? Find out below.

Also Read: The Hidden Truth: Why Counting Calories Won't Lead to A Healthier You

Photo Credit: iStock

Here Are 5 Tips To Keep Harmful Liquid Calories Away:

1. Rise and shine with warm water:

Begin each morning with a glass of lukewarm water infused with a teaspoon of honey and a touch of lemon. This ritual kick-starts your metabolism and helps your system flush out toxins, paving the way for more effective weight loss.

2. Keep hydration within reach:

After starting the day with water, it's essential to maintain that momentum throughout the day. Keep a water bottle with you and you will stay hydrated throughout the day and will not crave an unhealthy thirst quencher.


3. Infuse your diet with infused water

If plain water is losing its appeal, infused water might be your refreshing solution. Infuse water with your favourite fruits, vegetables, and herbs. The hint of flavour will not make you miss other beverages that should be avoided.

4. Say goodbye to sugary sips:

Aerated beverages, sugary soda, and packaged fruit juices may be tempting, but they can set back your weight loss journey. These seemingly harmless drinks often hide added sugars that can cause weight gain.


5. Drink caffeine in moderation

If you can't do without coffee or tea, you're not alone. These beverages bring their share of health benefits, but it's crucial to strike a balance. Excessive caffeine consumption can lead to dehydration, which might drive you to consume more harmful liquid calories.
By making mindful choices about your liquid intake, you're taking a significant step toward achieving your weight loss goals.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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