Food Awards

Chelsea Harvey


Content by Chelsea Harvey

    • Wheat, One Of The World's Most Important Crops, Is Being Threatened By Climate Change

      Now, a new study published Monday in Nature Climate Change reiterates concerns that wheat -- the most significant single crop in terms of human consumption -- might be in big trouble. After comparing multiple studies used to predict the future of global crop production, researchers ...

    • People Want GMO Food Labeled - Which is Pretty Much all They Know About GMOs

      After years of fierce debate involving scientists, food manufacturers, farmers and environmental groups, Congress has just passed a bill that would make it mandatory to inform consumers about the GMOs - or genetically modified organisms - in their food.

    • How the World's Most Popular Foods Have Traveled all Over the Planet

      From the grains in your breakfast cereal to the grapes in your wine, there's a strong chance that the food you eat on a daily basis has its ancient origins thousands of miles away.

    • What We Eat has Bigger Consequences for the Planet Than We Ever Thought

      The role of food in a sustainable future is an issue that's growing as a global priority.

    • Even Before They Start Breathing, Babies Can be Harmed by Air Pollution: Scientists

      Previous studies have drawn connections between preterm birth, decreases in IQ and an individual's lifetime earnings.

    • Scientists Just Found Another Big Problem for Global Food Security

      With the world's population expected to exceed 9 billion people by the year 2050, producing enough food for everyone is a top concern for global policymakers.

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