No More Tiredness - Boost Your Energy With These Healthy Choices


Here is why you feel tired all the time. These could be the reasons why you don't wish to exercise or go out anymore.

No More Tiredness - Boost Your Energy With These Healthy Choices
Inactive lifestyle can cause health issues.


  • Many of us are living a sedentary lifestyle, which is makes us feel tired
  • Inactive lifestyle can lead to major health issues in future
  • Follow these tips to avoid fatigue and laziness

Fatigue and tiredness can slow us down in our daily lives. Most of us feel extremely exhausted and aren't even aware of why we feel this way. Low energy, feeling drained out and laziness are a few symptoms which indicate that we have a poor lifestyle. Sedentary lifestyle can be a major contributor to fatigue. For those who don't know much about sedentary lifestyle, it is an inactive way of living, which consists of too much sitting and relaxing, and less movement of muscles. Sadly, for many working professionals, the sedentary lifestyle is not a choice, as some jobs demand long hours of sitting work which impacts our muscles in the long run. Apart from the inactive lifestyle, unhealthy food habits are also a part of sedentary lifestyle. This altogether leads to fatigue and tiredness, which is unhealthy for our body. To fight the lows, one can bring change in their diet and increase their physical activity.

How To Beat Tiredness - It's Important To Add Physical Activity

Walking for 30 to 40 minutes a day reduces the risk of heart attack. Photo Credit: istock


Most of us don't take out time to walk. While you are working, ensure to take breaks and go out for a short walk. It is important to keep your muscles active. Moreover, whenever you have time, make sure to walk for at least 30-40 minutes every day.

Take The Stairs

Instead of taking the lift, you can choose to take the staircase. Climbing up and going down the stairs will add in a lot of health benefits, especially increasing the bone, muscle and joint strength. Taking this small step will make you remain active and fit.

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Indulge In Hobbies

There are many outdoor and indoor extracurricular activities that will keep you fit besides being fun. Make sure you indulge in hobbies that include physical activity, like Zumba, badminton, yoga, running, and more.

Do Home Chores

Home chores are the best way to include physical activity. While many of us hate doing chores like, cleaning floor, dusting, etc., understand that these are simple and easy ways to work out and sweat at home. Also, this requires no investment like gym fees.


Here Are Foods You Should Add And Avoid:

1. Infused Water Drinks

Infused water has various health advantages, including hunger suppression, hydration, increasing immunity, reducing heartburn, and weight management. You can easily prepare infused water drinks or herbal drinks with herbs and spices kept in your pantry. For example, jeera water, ginger-lemon tea, cinnamon water, etc. For more recipes, click here.

2. Salads

Include salad in your diet. Salads are full of nutrition and have several health benefits. These make a good snack option and side option with the meal. You can make salad bowl at home by using chopped cucumber, tomato, carrot, corn, and lettuce. Drizzle some olive oil and sauces, and relish on your delicious salad. For more recipes, click here.


Add chickpeas or kidney beans to make your salad more filling. Photo Credit: istock

3. Seasonal Fruits

Many nutritionists suggest that one should consume fruits that are available in a particular season. For summers you should have watermelon, grapes, cherries, mangoes etc., whereas for winters you should eat apples, oranges, pears, etc. This is because seasonal fruits are fresh, tasty and healthier in nutrition.


Also Read: High Protein Diet: 5 Exciting Ways To Add Protein To Your Pasta

4. Low Sugar Diet

Sugar is a big no for our health. Especially artificial sugar, which is found in many products in market. It's important to cut down on sugared drinks, candies and deserts. These foods have no nutritional value and thus, should be avoided.


Avoid eating chocolate and candies. Photo Credit: istock

5. Say No To Carbs and Fats

Fatty fried foods and foods highly rich in carbs should be avoided, as these are hard to digest. Fried foods like chips, fries, pakodas, etc. contain saturated fats which are unhealthy for our body and may lead to high cholesterol levels. So, it's best not to have them in a large quantity.

6. Add More Protein-Rich Foods

Protein helps in building lean muscles and also in curbing hunger. Foods like fish, eggs, tofu, paneer, soya, nuts and seeds are a good source of protein and should be added into our daily diet. You can make delicious meals from protein-rich foods in no time at home. For recipes, click here.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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