Make Your Salad Healthier. 5 Ways To Add More Vitamins To It


Regrettably, in the process of making salad delicious, we often ignore the nutrient part of it. But not anymore!

Make Your Salad Healthier. 5 Ways To Add More Vitamins To It
Salad makes for a wholesome meal anytime of the day


  • Vitamins are one of the most important nutrients our body needs to grow.
  • Try to pick healthy foods as ingredients.
  • Orange, lemon, berries, and other citrus fruits add zesty flavours.

For most of us, salad is a part of our staple diet. It is healthy, fuss-free and if made carefully, can be super delicious as well. In fact, today we get a wide range of dressing options, making even a healthy salad an exotic dish to savour. Regrettably, in the process of making salad delicious, we often ignore the nutrient part of it. But not anymore, because we got you some amazing tips to make salad vitamin-rich. Fret not, we won't ask you to go beyond your limits! Instead, pick your ingredients judiciously and enjoy the benefits to the fullest. So, without further ado, let's make our bowl of vitamin-rich salad.

Why Is It Important To Add Vitamins To Your Meals:

Vitamins are one of the most important nutrients our body needs to grow, develop, and stay nourished. There are various types of vitamins and every individual has their distinctive needs to stay healthy. According to health expert Rohit Shelatkar, "Nutritionists across the world recommend consuming a balanced diet inclusive of all types of vitamins in order to maintain optimal health. In fact, the nutrient is especially important as it aids the body's immune defense system."
Consultant nutritionist weighs is, "Vitamins play a major role in preventing and alleviating anaemia and associated health troubles". She further listed some of the major reasons to include vitamins in our everyday diet:
- Vitamins, in the right amount, help manage weight.
- Vitamins help the body function smoothly, further preventing free radical damage.
- Vitamins help reduce the risks of various lifestyle-related diseases including diabetes and obesity to name a few.
- Vitamins are essential for blood clotting and cell growth.
- Vitamins help blood and oxygen flow smoothly throughout the body, reducing heart risks.
Also Read: 6 Easy Veg Salad Recipes To Liven Up Your Diabetes Diet

Photo Credit: iStock

5 Genius Ways To Include More Vitamins In Your Healthy Salad Bowl:

1. Pick superfood:

While selecting ingredients for your healthy salad, try to pick foods like avocado, couscous, broccoli, mushroom, etc. to fortify the dish with every essential nutrient your body needs.

2. Add rainbow vegetables:

Try to include colourful ingredients like red, yellow, and green bell pepper, carrot, cucumber, etc. in your bowl of salads. These foods are rich in carotenoids - a compound that helps you load up on various types of vitamins.


3. Include citrus fruits:

Orange, lemon, berries, and other such citrus fruits help add a zesty flavour to your bowl of salad, along with some essential vitamins for overall health benefits.

4. Sprinkle some nuts and seeds:

We all love that added crunch in our bowl of healthy salad. We suggest, garnishing the dish with your choice of nuts and seeds like almonds, walnuts, roasted pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, etc. to enjoy both their benefits and flavours.


5. Dress your salad carefully:

This is where most of us go wrong. It is very important to choose the right kind of fat, spread, and herbs to make your bowl of healthy salad delicious and vitamin-rich.
Now that you have got the tips handy, we suggest, following them well and preparing a vitamin-rich and tasty portion of healthy salad for your next meal. Meanwhile, click here for some of our favourite salad recipes that you can try.

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