9 Best Cheese Recipes For Kids | Easy Cheese Recipes


Find here the best of cheese recipes for kids which you can easily prepare at home. Think of margherita pizza bursting with cheese or garlic bread and more.

9 Best Cheese Recipes For Kids | Easy Cheese Recipes
Cheese Recipes For Kids

Cheese Recipes For Kids: Mention cheese and you can see a wide glee on my face. But can you blame me? Cheese is what works when everything else fails. A cheesy pizza or cheese balls are sure to get my immediate attention over anything. If I have all my love to cheese, imagine how delightful it must be for kids! They might skip breakfast if you serve plain butter toast and grate oodles of cheese over it and they would demolish it in a minute. A piping hot bowl of mac n cheese melting in your mouth is truly a heavenly experience! Cheese is an ingredient used all around the world and loved by almost half the world's population. The United States is known to be the largest producer of cheese, which has about 2000 varieties all around the world. But did you know that in the 16th century, cheese was known to have been used as a currency in Denmark? Interesting, right?

While the popular source of making cheese is with cow's milk, in certain parts of Europe and the Middle East, it is also made with goat's milk. Cheese has some classic varieties that are popularly used around the world - Feta, Mozzarella, Cheddar, Parmesan and Brie, with mozzarella and parmesan used extensively to prepare kid's favourite pastas and macaroni while oodles of mozzarella in pizzas. Toss cheese in pasta, salads or simply anything and you'll have the kids swooning over it. Stuff it in toasts and wraps or make fried balls out of it and make scrumptious cheesy garlic bread. With all this and more, we've got a list of delectable cheese recipes for kids that you can prepare at home so your kids would never complain about having the same old food!

Here Are 9 Best Cheese Recipes For Kids To Prepare At Home:


The classic comfort food, mac and cheese is what adults and kids both can bond over. It is the quintessential cheese recipe that you can prepare in jiffy using minimum of ingredients. This creamy delight has just four basic ingredients of cheddar cheese, macaroni, milk and water, all of it microwaved for about five minutes and voila! You are ready with a mouth-watering bowl of cheesy mac n cheese.

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Cheese Recipes For Kids: With just two basic ingredients and practically five minutes of time you will be having the best cheese dish, in a mug!


You won't have pasta any other way after this! Four cheese pasta is undoubtedly the cheesiest pasta you'll ever have, a delectable dish that combines four different varieties of cheese - parmesan, cheddar, brie and emmental because there's no such thing as "too much cheese!" A hassle free easy pasta recipe with the richness and flavour of cheese to make a delicious casserole dish.

Cheese Recipes For Kids: With a little bit of veggies and a variety of cheese, this is an easy cheese recipe for kids that makes for a great party dish.


Perfect breakfast option, cheese onion omelette is an easy and quick cheese recipe for kids to prepare at home. Omelettes are a popular breakfast dish all through northern part of India, with street stalls offering a variety of flavourful options. From simple plain omelette and masala omelette to cheese omelettes, here is an easy cheese omelette recipe packed with onion and parsley along with cheese oozing over it. Serve it with toasted, buttered bread and the kids would simply love it.

Cheese Recipes For Kids: This omelette can be your go-to breakfast on busy mornings since this is super quick and easy to cook!


Stuffed with a scrumptious filling of cheese and chilli flakes, this south Indian treat comes with a twist. Dosa batter made with ground rice, urad and chana dal cooked on a pan and stuffed with grated cheddar cheese and flavourful chilli flakes. Serve with traditional coconut chutney for a whole meal.


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Cheese Recipes For Kids: South Indian dosa with a twist.


A finger snack that is perfect for your kids to binge on! These cheese straws are the perfect balance of healthy and tasty - sieved flour mixture blended with egg and oats, kneaded, rolled out and cut into strips to bake into perfectly crisp munchies. You can bake a batch and store in an airtight jar, serve with a flavourful sauce of your choice.

Cheese Recipes For Kids: Crisp with the right amount of snap, the added coating of oats takes these cheese straws to another level altogether.


Five ingredients and in just about thirty minutes, you'll have the most amazing garlic bread to relish with kids! A French loaf glazed with a mouth-watering mix of butter, garlic, cheese and black pepper. It is covered and baked to perfect crisp in the oven. Serve this cheesy delight hot with a black pepper garnishing.

Cheese Recipes For Kids: French loaf glazed with butter, garlic, cheese and pepper, baked just right.


Get me one kid who doesn't like a cheesy pizza and I'll give up on cheese. Okay, just kidding! But who doesn't like a pizza bursting with cheese, topped with flavourful sauces, oregano, crunchy veggies and what not?! Think of cheese and an image of hot and piping pizza comes to our mind, right? Here's the classic margherita pizza that you can easily prepare at home, packed with the goodness of basil, mozzarella, pepper and pasta sauce, so the next time the kids crave for a cheese pizza you can quickly whip up one right inside your kitchen.


Cheese Recipes For Kids: It just takes a few simple ingredients and you get insanely delicious results! You just can't go wrong with that tomato, basil and fresh mozzarella combo.

8. Potato Cheese Shots

If you have guests coming over this weekend, surprise them with your culinary skills, by serving them these delicious homemade potato cheese shots. Serve it with your dips and enjoy!


9. Jalapeno Cheese Fingers

A delicious, cheesy snack recipe by Time Machine restaurant, Noida. Cheddar cheese and jalapeno mixed in a buttery batter of cornmeal, buttermilk, salt and sugar! Baked to perfection with corn and served warm. This is just the right snack recipe for a movie night with friends and family!

These cheese recipes for kids are just the perfect ones to prepare at home, and the best part is that you can also enjoy these delights with your whole family on a Sunday brunch. Let us know your favourite one in the comments section below.
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