Food Awards


'Child' - 302 New Result(s)
  • Mothers' Nutrition Pivotal for Healthy Child Growth, Study
    Mothers' Nutrition Pivotal for Healthy Child Growth, Study

    Improving mothers' nutrition before and during pregnancy is pivotal to reducing child stunting in developing countries, researchers said on Tuesday, as a new study showed poor child growth often starts in the womb.

  • Child Nutrition: 5 Diet Tips On How To Make Children Develop Healthy Eating Habits (Study)
    Child Nutrition: 5 Diet Tips On How To Make Children Develop Healthy Eating Habits (Study)

    Child obesity or weakness or other such child nutrition issues can be tackled by understanding why different children have differing abilities. A great way to do this is by instilling ideal eating behaviour in the ...

  • 3-Year-Old Gets 'Unhealthy' Chocolate Cake In Tiffin, Teacher Sends Note
    3-Year-Old Gets 'Unhealthy' Chocolate Cake In Tiffin, Teacher Sends Note

    A 3-year-old child came home with a note from his teacher, who was angry about the parents sending a slice of chocolate cake in the child's tiffin.

  • Poshan Maah 2022: Child Obesity - A Reality That Needs To Be Addressed With Good Diet
    Poshan Maah 2022: Child Obesity - A Reality That Needs To Be Addressed With Good Diet

    Obesity at an early age can have serious consequences with an increased risk of heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension etc.

  • Not Just Mother's But Father's Diet Also Determines Child's Mental Fitness
    Not Just Mother's But Father's Diet Also Determines Child's Mental Fitness

    Father's diet may influence epigenetic patterns, and this reprogramming is transferred to the next generation.

  • Celebrating Thanksgiving Dinner at Julia Childs'
    Celebrating Thanksgiving Dinner at Julia Childs'

    At the height of Julia Child's fame in the 1970s and 80s, Thanksgiving guests often felt the need to tell her she should get her home number removed from the public directory.

  • Rising Obesity in Pregnancy Raises Risk for Mother, Child
    Rising Obesity in Pregnancy Raises Risk for Mother, Child

    The unprecedented global increase in obesity among pregnant women is leading to rise in high-risk pregnancies that may affect both mother and child, a study has found.

  • Keeping Pets Could Be The Best Thing For Child Development
    Keeping Pets Could Be The Best Thing For Child Development

    According to a study done by University of Cambridge, kids get more satisfaction from relationships with their household pets than with their brothers or sisters.

  • Parents, Take Note! Read Out Stories to Your Child to Give Their Brain a Boost
    Parents, Take Note! Read Out Stories to Your Child to Give Their Brain a Boost

    Children exhibiting greater interest in the narrative showed increased activation in right-sided cerebellar areas of the brain,

  • What's Your Child's IQ? Higher the Score, Longer May Be Their Life
    What's Your Child's IQ? Higher the Score, Longer May Be Their Life

    If your child is smart and has a higher intelligence quotient (IQ), he or she can look forward to a longer life than children with lower IQs, researhcers say.

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