The debate around child nutrition is a never-ending one. There is often a tussle between parents about whether children should be allowed fizzy drinks, sweets, chips, ice cream, and other high-calorie foods. While some believe it is alright to consume these foods in moderation, other parents tend to avoid giving them altogether. These different schools of thought were the subject of a recent post on Facebook, wherein a 3-year-old boy child was sent home with a note for the parents in his tiffin box. The teacher wrote that the child brought unhealthy food, that is, a slice of chocolate cake, in his tiffin which is why he was being admonished through the note. Take a look:
(Also Read: 5 Diet Tips On How To Make Children Develop Healthy Eating Habits)
The post about the 3-year-old's tiffin box was recently shared on Facebook by a page called The Healthy Mummy. It received thousands of likes, shares, and retweets. "Your child has chocolate slice from the 'Red Food' category today. Please choose healthier options for the kids," read the note. The category being referred to is the Australian government's 'Traffic Light' system guidelines which categorize food into three different colours depending upon their health value. So, the green food category is the healthiest, while amber and red are generally preferred in limited portions.
The original photograph was shared on Facebook by author Melinda Tankard Reist, and she narrated the incident experienced by her friend. "My friend (mother of 8 healthy children, what follows relating to no. 7) received this today from her 3-year old's kindy. I told her to put in two slices tomorrow and tell them to get lost," read the caption to the original post. "Just to add my friend makes everything from scratch for her kids including bread and serves fresh healthy food every day. My friend and her husband both have degrees in health science," she further added in the comments.
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The debate around what to allow children to eat is a neverending one.
Internet users remained divided about the note sent in the 3-year-old's tiffin box. Some questioned the teacher's note, saying, "I believe it is about teaching our children size and portion control and not denying sweets completely." A few people also said that the note could have a negative effect on the child's psyche. Another argued that rules are there for a reason, "If they have colour coding, the family is aware of what to and what not to send for lunches. If parents do know, they should stick to rules or choose somewhere else."
Which side of the argument do you agree with? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.
About Aditi AhujaAditi loves talking to and meeting like-minded foodies (especially the kind who like veg momos). Plus points if you get her bad jokes and sitcom references, or if you recommend a new place to eat at.