Food Awards

Alternate day fasting

'Alternate Day Fasting' - 3 New Result(s)
  • Intermittent Fasting May Stall Weight Loss After Some Time - Don't Make These 5 Diet Mistakes
    Intermittent Fasting May Stall Weight Loss After Some Time - Don't Make These 5 Diet Mistakes

    While intermittent fasting may be great for weight loss and show visible results, it may also leads to a weight plateau, when your weight just won't budge.

  • Is Fasting On Alternate Days a Better Way to Lose Weight?
    Is Fasting On Alternate Days a Better Way to Lose Weight?

    Amongst so many choices, which diet is the best for weight loss? A new study, published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, has an answer for you.

  • Weight Loss Diet: ?Fat And Feast? Strategy May Help Lose Extra Fat
    Weight Loss Diet: ?Fat And Feast? Strategy May Help Lose Extra Fat

    This system of alternate days of fasting and feasting is called alternate-day fasting (ADF)

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