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Blood type

'Blood Type' - 4 New Result(s)
  • Blood Type Diet: Should You Eat According to Your Blood Group?
    Blood Type Diet: Should You Eat According to Your Blood Group?

    The Blood Type Diet, also known as the Blood Group Diet, was initiated and popularised by a naturopathic physician by the name of Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo, in the year 1996. Here is a snapshot ...

  • These Blood Groups Run a Higher Risk of Diabetes
    These Blood Groups Run a Higher Risk of Diabetes

    A new study has found that women with blood groups A, B and AB are at higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

  • How O Blood Group Protects Against Malaria
    How O Blood Group Protects Against Malaria

    It has long been known that people with blood type O are protected against severe malaria. A team of experts has decoded the mechanism behind the protection that O blood type provides against malaria.

  • Should you follow a diet according to your blood type?
    Should you follow a diet according to your blood type?

    Researchers have debunked the theory behind the popular blood-type diet - which claims an individual's nutritional needs vary by blood type. "Based on the data of 1,455 study participants, we found no evidence to support ...

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