Few dishes embody the meeting of two cultures as well as ceviche. In this clever dish, the Incas used the acidity of European citrus to cook fish. Paired with sweetcorn fritters and sweet potatoes, its ...
A delicious fresh fish dish with coriander and chillies, which can also be given a citrus kick.Ceviche is a lovely fresh dish that is a perfect way to celebrate the end of the long winter. ...
This cool refreshing watermelon soda is inspired by the streetside sellers in Mexico.There is a foodie truism (passed down to me by my mum) that when abroad you should eat where the locals eat. I ...
There are fish recipes that seem particularly appropriate to high summer. Soused herring and mackerel, various salmon mayonnaises and ceviche, smoked salmon and cucumber salads and light soups with fresh beans and herbs. These are ...