Food Awards

Diet pills

'Diet Pills' - 4 New Result(s)
  • Diet Pill Could Help Beat Obesity
    Diet Pill Could Help Beat Obesity

    A diet pill aimed at curbing fat people's appetites could soon be a reality, Daily Mail reported.The pill would not only shrink waist lines but also the 4.2 billion pounds National Health Service bill for ...

  • A Diet Pill that Tricks Your Body, Makes You Feel Full!
    A Diet Pill that Tricks Your Body, Makes You Feel Full!

    Scientists have developed a new diet pill that could help people lose weight more effectively by tricking the body into thinking it has consumed a meal.

  • More Than 23,000 People Wind Up in the ER Each Year Due to Dietary Supplements
    More Than 23,000 People Wind Up in the ER Each Year Due to Dietary Supplements

    Multi-vitamins, diet pills and energy boosters may not be the harmless substances you think they are. In the first study of its kind.

  • Teenage Girls Should Never Take Diet Pills for Weight Loss, It May be Fatal
    Teenage Girls Should Never Take Diet Pills for Weight Loss, It May be Fatal

    In a new study, researchers have warned that taking diet pills regularly to shed weight can harm the growth, hormonal balance and mental health of teenage girls.

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