Food Awards

Dietary food

'Dietary Food' - 3 New Result(s)
  • Dietary Supplement - Miracle Moringa
    Dietary Supplement - Miracle Moringa

    I am not a fan of dietary food supplements, as my views on food are a bit old world, you could say. My firm belief is that you should get your daily nutritional requirements from ...

  • FSSAI to Introduce Quality Norms for Health Food
    FSSAI to Introduce Quality Norms for Health Food

    Food safety regulator FSSAI has come out with quality and safety norms to regulate food or health supplements, nutraceuticals, functional and dietary foods and has sought public comments on the same.

  • Almonds Joy?
    Almonds Joy?

    "Here are the nuts," said Drew Sayer, a graduate student in nutrition science, before shoving me into the MRI machine, flat on my back. "Chew them. Swallow them. And don't move your head."I moved my ...

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