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Exercise and diet

'Exercise And Diet' - 7 New Result(s)
  • Fitness Diet: What To Eat Before, During And After A Heavy Workout Session
    Fitness Diet: What To Eat Before, During And After A Heavy Workout Session

    Your diet before, during and after workout should be carefully curated to help your body recover from the harsh exercise regime and prepare it to face it again.

  • Can Exercise Balance Out Unhealthy Diet? Study Reveals It's Not The Case
    Can Exercise Balance Out Unhealthy Diet? Study Reveals It's Not The Case

    A new study suggests that a higher level of physical activity cannot outweigh the damage caused by a poor diet, especially when it comes to mortality.

  • Pre-Workout Diet: What You Should Eat Before An Intense Workout For Weight Loss
    Pre-Workout Diet: What You Should Eat Before An Intense Workout For Weight Loss

    Pre-Workout Diet: Consuming carbohydrates can increase your strength to endure rigorous exercises and help you perform better for effective weight loss.

  • 7 Factors That Affect Your Weight Other Than Exercise And Food
    7 Factors That Affect Your Weight Other Than Exercise And Food

    It is quite frustrating to find yourself tipping on the wrong side of the weighing scale or seeing that the scale hasn't moved at all, especially when you have diligently followed those rigorous exercise and ...

  • Weight Loss: Can't Lose Extra Kilos? These 7 Everyday Foods May Help You
    Weight Loss: Can't Lose Extra Kilos? These 7 Everyday Foods May Help You

    Even after continuous exercise and diet control, we may not shed the extra kilos from our stomach area. Here are some foods that can help with losing fat.

  • Having Trouble Getting Good Sleep? Regular Exercise Can Help
    Having Trouble Getting Good Sleep? Regular Exercise Can Help

    Health experts emphasise on the importance of exercise and diet for good sleep and our well-being. Here's how you can improve your sleep the healthy way.

  • This Protein Can Resist Weight Gain Despite High-Fat Diet
    This Protein Can Resist Weight Gain Despite High-Fat Diet

    Haven't been able to fight off excess belly fat despite exercise and diet control? High levels of a particular protein can help. Higher levels of 'Glial Cell Line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor' (GDNF for short) that keeps ...

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