A recent study shows how eating whole grains and legumes could increase life expectancy by up to 13 years!
Life expectancy in Australia has hit a new high, with babies born in 2015 expected to live two years longer than those born in 2005, according to a report issued on Friday.
The study that was conducted with inputs from around the world claims that many countries will experience a rise in their life expectancy by 2030.
Ninety birthdays maybe, but not 120: Americans hope to stretch out life expectancy another decade or so, but they are ambivalent, even skeptical, about a fountain of youth.A new poll by the Pew Research Center ...
According to a new study, men and women with at least one child had lower death risks than those without. And fathers gained more in life expectancy than mothers.
If recent research is to be believed, adding extra salt to your food after it is already cooked can shorten life expectancy by almost two years.
According to a study published in the British journal 'Lancet', India has made good progress as the life expectancy in men has gone up by 7 years and in women it's gone up by almost ...
Campaigners point finger at austerity as Public Health England report shows first decline across all age groups in nearly two decades.
Ever thought of a walking meeting at your office? Organise one this Monday as it will surely keep you and your colleagues (boss included), who spend most of their working hours sitting in chairs, healthy.
Zuckerberg predicted that by 2100 the average life expectancy would be beyond 100 years.