Food Awards

Life Span

Life Span - 3 News Result(s)
  • Running Daily, Even For Few Minutes, Increases Life Span
    Running Daily, Even For Few Minutes, Increases Life Span

    A recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology at suggests that running everyday, even for a few minutes and at a slow speed, is significantly beneficial and can reduce a ...

  • Live to 120? Most Americans Say No Thanks
    Live to 120? Most Americans Say No Thanks

    Ninety birthdays maybe, but not 120: Americans hope to stretch out life expectancy another decade or so, but they are ambivalent, even skeptical, about a fountain of youth.A new poll by the Pew Research Center ...

  • Having Children May Help Increase the Life Span of Parents: Study
    Having Children May Help Increase the Life Span of Parents: Study

    According to a new study, men and women with at least one child had lower death risks than those without. And fathers gained more in life expectancy than mothers.

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