Food Awards

Nail Art Viral Video

Nail Art Viral Video - 3 News Result(s)
  • Viral: Woman Makes Nail Art With Lemons; Leaves Internet Disgusted
    Viral: Woman Makes Nail Art With Lemons; Leaves Internet Disgusted

    The world of makeup and beauty can be extremely fascinating. But sometimes, certain experiments can also shock the people.

  • Watch: Woman Uses Spring Onion For A Quirky Nail-Art; Internet Wants Pineapple And Pretzel Nails Now
    Watch: Woman Uses Spring Onion For A Quirky Nail-Art; Internet Wants Pineapple And Pretzel Nails Now

    We found one of the quirkiest nail art videos in the recent time. It is made with spring onions. Yes, you heard us.

  • Watch: Woman Uses Nail Art For Straining Chai, Indians Are Loving It
    Watch: Woman Uses Nail Art For Straining Chai, Indians Are Loving It

    Chai-loving Indians were thrilled to see an incredible nail art with a sieve incorporated into it for straining tea.

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