Food Awards

Treadmill Desks

Treadmill Desks - 3 News Result(s)
  • Good News, Boss: Treadmill Desk Doesn't Affect Job Performance
    Good News, Boss: Treadmill Desk Doesn't Affect Job Performance

    Recent research says workers on treadmill desks perform cognitive tasks nearly as well as those at sitting desks despite the fact that they are walking in between.

  • Treadmill Workstations May Reduce Muscle Pain
    Treadmill Workstations May Reduce Muscle Pain

    What seems to be the messiah of people leading such sedentary lifestyle is the walking workstation.

  • Treadmill Desks Can't Replace Regular Exercise: Study
    Treadmill Desks Can't Replace Regular Exercise: Study

    "Treadmill desks are not an effective replacement for regular exercise, and the benefits of the desks may not justify the cost and other challenges that come with implementing them."

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