Weight-Loss Snacks: How To Make Banana Chips In Your Air Fryer


Can chips ever be healthy? Yes, it is possible! Check out this nutritionist-approved crunchy and healthy banana chips recipe.

Weight-Loss Snacks: How To Make Banana Chips In Your Air Fryer
Here is how to make weight loss-friendly banana chips at home.


  • Here is a healthy and tasty banana chips recipe.
  • It is a great way to add raw bananas in your diet.
  • Read on to learn how to make these chips with minimal oil.

If you like munching, the desire to snack can strike you anytime -- whether under stress to meet a deadline late at night or on the laziest Sunday afternoon. The first thing that many of us want to get our hands on is a bag of crunchy potato chips. However, we all know it is not the healthiest snack option, especially if we end up eating the entire pack alone in a single sitting. So what is the alternative? Nutritionist Arjita Singh has shared a healthy and fibre-rich chips recipe that you can make at home and enjoy guilt-free. These crunchy and tasty chips are made of raw bananas. Furthermore, these are not deep-fried, but rather cooked in an air fryer with minimal oil. Curious to learn more? Read on for health benefits and how to make these yummy chips at home.

Health Benefits Of Eating Green Bananas

This banana chips recipe is a great way to add green bananas to your diet. The nutritionist explains in the caption of the video that green bananas are "filled with resistant starch that will give you the feeling of satiety and fullness. Thus, it will reduce your hunger pangs and you can lose your weight naturally. They are high in fibre and rich in vitamins and minerals. Great for diabetics."

How To Make Green Banana Chips At Home | Banana Chips In Air Fryer Recipe

Here is a quick and delicious recipe as shared by Arjita Singh. Wash 5 raw green bananas and peel them. There is no need to cut thick peels, just remove the green part. Cut the bananas into thick cubes. Air fry these for 10 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius and then flatten them using a bowl with a flat base. Flatten them as thinly as possible. Now air-fry again at 180 degrees Celsius for 8-10 minutes, and check in between to toss. Switch off the air fryer and let the chips sit in the air fryer for 5 more minutes to get that extra crunch. Add a little oil and a spice mix of salt, Kashmiri red chilli powder, chat masala, a pinch of turmeric, and black pepper. The oil will make sure that the spices stick to the chips. You can serve them with dal chawal or have them as a snack. Enjoy!
Also Read: Air Fryer Recipes: 7 Veg Snacks That You Can Make In Air Fryer

More Raw Banana Recipes To Explore

If you are looking for more recipes using raw bananas, look no further. Try our Vazakai Poriyal recipe using raw bananas and coconut, which makes an excellent side dish with sambar rice or rasam rice. Another delicious snack you can try is the Raw Banana and Coconut Kachori Recipe, stuffed with sesame seeds and groundnuts. Click here for more delicious raw banana recipes to explore in your kitchen.
Also Read: Bored of Potato Chips? 5 Unique And Delicious Chips Recipes You Should Try At Home

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