Food Awards

Barbara Damrosch


Content by Barbara Damrosch

    • Lettuce's Bitter Rival: Chicories

      Lettuce gets all the attention, served at every table. There are hundreds of varieties, with new ones each year. So what's wrong with chicories?

    • So Many Peppers, So Many Flavors - And So Many Potential Dishes

      Peppers, which spread globally from the New World, were put to new and exciting uses everywhere they went.

    • Sating an Unseasonable Appetite for a Hint of Mint

      I had a craving for fresh mint. I wanted to toss it with sliced oranges, knead it into meatballs and steep it for tea, even though January is not mint's time.

    • 12 Days of Broccoli: One Lady Dancing and Golden Rings of Cheese

      On the first day of Christmas, my garden gave to me a great abundance of broccoli.

    • If Eating Quince was the Original Sin, We've Punished Ourselves Enough by Forgetting it

      Instead of cranberry sauce, why not a relish made from that excellent late-fall fruit.

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