Food Awards

Deepali Kapoor


Content by Deepali Kapoor

    • These 5 Foods May Help You Combat Exam Stress

      Thousands of school-going students across the country are going through a period of intense stress as board examinations are about to begin. To ensure that the mind is functioning well, it is imperative to load up on a well-balanced and healthy diet.

    • Foods To Eat And Avoid In Winters If You Have Asthma

      Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the airways of the lungs that become inflamed, narrow or swell up which makes it difficult to breathe. Cold air that we breathe induces a substance called histamine, which is produced naturally by our body during an ...

    • Hair Care Tips: 6 Ways To Prevent Frizzy Hair In Winters

      Winter season is synonymous to the season of dryness. The lack of humidity and the imbalance in temperature - cold outside and warm indoors - make our hair dry, frizzy and unmanageable.

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