Food Awards

Fiona Beckett


Content by Fiona Beckett

    • Stocking Up French Wines: Best Bargains for This Season

      Sure, they're never going to be as cheap as they are in their native land, but there are still plenty of bargain French bottles to be had if you know where to look.

    • Beer: Craft Beer Goes Mainstream

      The supermarkets and big high-street retailers are moving in on the craft beer market in a big way shop around, and you can pick up some real finds.

    • For the Love of Wine: Lesser-Known French Bottles to Try

      When choosing French wines, its well worth considering less familiar appellations, for new sensations as much as for bargains.

    • Wine: English Fizz for Summer

      English sparkling wine is now a global player. Fiona Beckett picks the best for summer 2015.

    • Sparkling English Wine: A Growing Reputation for Gold Medal Quality

      UK wines has won 10 international gold medals this year alone and the world is starting to take notice.

    • Wine: What to Drink With Indian Food

      Next time you have a curry, give the lager a miss. There's a wine to match just about any dish an Indian cook could put in front of youDespite the fact that many Indian restaurants now have decent wine lists, there's still a deep-rooted aversion ...

    • Wine: English Wine Week

      Sparkling wines are obviously the highlight, but you can find some creditable rosés and even reds these days tooToday is the start of English Wine Week. Yes, I know that practically every type of wine has a dedicated day or a week but not all ...

    • Wine: a change is going to come

      Hallelujah! The big chains are at long last placing greater emphasis on what makes them different from each other, rather than trotting out the same old bottlesThe main appeal of buying wine in a supermarket or high-street chain is that it's cheap(-ish)...

    • Drink: There's Something About Ginger

      There's no better spice than ginger to vanquish the post-festive blues.The challenge post-Christmas is not to give up on healthy eating and drinking because you're bored. Bland food and dull drinks are the enemies of restraint - what you need in both...

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