Food Awards

Lavanya Ramanathan


Content by Lavanya Ramanathan

    • Make the Salad Everybody Wants to Eat

      There was a time when the word "salad" referred to little more than a pile of iceberg lettuce. It was ornamentation, sometimes doused in a sickly-sweet, carrot-colored dressing described, inexplicably, as "French.

    • One of These is the Cronut, The Other is Food Plagiarism - And You Can't stop It

      Given how fast food trends emerge and travel, it's not surprising that there's a Cronut, or Faux-nuts. But the hottest food trend of the past five years may be copycatting.

    • 'American Food' is Changing and That's a Good Thing

      When the U.S. borders swung open to millions of diverse new migrants beginning in 1965, Americans probably couldn't have guessed that there would be a culinary upshot. But within a decade, they were chewing on the most varied cuisines the country had ever seen.

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