Food Awards

Peter Whoriskey


Content by Peter Whoriskey

    • What These Ancient Statuettes of Obese People Say About Paleo Diets

      The fat billows and pools around the belly button. The flesh spills over the hip bones. The thighs are fused.

    • Panel Said Drinking Coffee is Harmless, but Here's Why that Might be Wrong

      At least for some scientists, it's far from clear that coffee is harmless.

    • Blame it on Your DNA: Bacon May Not be Bad for You

      In a study published last year with little fanfare, researchers found that genetics may determine how dangerous processed meats are for you.

    • Hot Dogs, Bacon & Other Processed Meats Cause Cancer, Declares WHO

      A research division of the WHO announced that bacon, sausage and other processed meats cause cancer and that red meat probably does, too

    • Why the US Government Tried to Steer People Away from Whole Milk

      U.S. dietary guidelines have long recommended that people steer clear of whole milk, and for decades, Americans have obeyed. But...

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