6 Guilt-Free Snack Options For Your Holidays


Time for much-awaited holiday! So,pack your bags and head out for a break to beach or mountains of your choice.

6 Guilt-Free Snack Options For Your Holidays


  • Fruits are always a great choice beacause of their various benefits.
  • Nothing is better than snacks that are low in carbs.
  • Homemade chocolates and cookies are healthy.
Hurray! It's summertime again; time for the much-awaited holiday break! So, pack your bags and head out for a break to beach or mountains of your choice. But, other than planning your holiday destination, there's something else that also occupies out holiday-to-do-list and food is one of the them - right from what snacks to carry to checking the internet for the great eating places in the town. Carrying snacks are immensely important because when hunger hits we reach out for the most easily available thing, which are usually loaded with sugar or high in salt content, or oil laden.
Why not plan a healthy, convenient and easy-to-carry food bag. While I am always up for carrying some good homemade, non-perishable food along, the last-minute trips to pick up safety pins, travel essentials, getting my hair done, etc. take the back seat. I choose keeping these in mind:
  • Select healthy bites that will fuel you up in-between meals.
  • Even the healthy ones need portioning, so stick to about 28 grams per serving.
  • While picking up packaged snacks, it is important to read the labels. Choose a single serving that has not more than 100-150 kcal with 2-3 grams of protein and fibre along with other nutrients.
Here are some of the most convenient, easy-to-carry yet healthy snacks for your holidays:Fruits: Carrying fruits on holidays is always a great choice. Loaded with various health benefits, they also provide water and electrolytes keeping our body hydrated and energised. On a road trip or while travelling by train, avoid the messy ones like mangoes and bananas as they turn brown and smell fast. My choice would be apples, oranges, guavas, and cherries . Try to pick those without added sugar, salt, flavour or preservatives.
Fruits for HolidayNuts And Seeds: While travelling, it is important to fuel yourself regularly to keep the energy levels high. Carrying snacks that are low in carbs and rich in proteins is a must have during holidays, and nothing is better than having delicious nuts and seeds - rich in fibre, protein, phytonutrients, antioxidants et al. Nuts and seeds are one of the most nutritious foods that provide healthy fats. These crunchies come in different forms and flavours, but make sure to avoid the fried variety. Stock up on almonds, walnuts and peanuts, and choose trail mixes that have chia seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. But, you need to keep in mind that they are calorie dense. Roasted chickpeas-bhuna chana are a good low fat version, although not nuts or seed.(Also Read-Sunflower Seeds: An Incredibly Healthy Snack That Curbs Food Cravings)
Healthy Fats: Nuts and Seeds

Fox Nuts: Traditionally known as makhanas, these puffed seeds are virtually fat free, full of proteins and antioxidants, and are a low calorie food. Easy to carry, you can also make these at home, but remember to limit the oil and salt content.
(Also Read-9 Health Benefits of Makhanas: The Desi Snack That's Making a Comeback)
Low Calorie Fox NutsCorn Tales: Another low-calorie healthy snack, popcorns are a firm-favourite food of every age group. Be it a movie night, long road trips, or simple get together, popcorns always come handy. The best part is that popcorns are easily available, you can cook them at home or can get the sand roasted variety from the local stalls. However, avoid the buttery popcorns. Buying small fresh batches will ensure its crunchiness is intact.(Also Read-Scientists Now Know Why Popcorns Pop)

Healthy Sanck- PopcornChocolate And Cookies: Chocolates are packed with antioxidants and are known to be one of the healthiest snacks, if taken in limited amounts, that we can carry on holidays. Consider carrying some dark chocolates or nut chocolates but stick to two to three pieces. Another best way to carry sweet snacks are cookies, but choose cookies that are made in small batches with whole grains like ragi, oats, millets, etc. Munch a couple to assuage your sweet tooth. You can even pick up some chocolates that are made with organic ingredients.


Chocolate and CookiesDrinks For The Road: Holiday beverages need to be more than just beer and wine, which keep you hydrated and energised throughout your holidays. Water is, of course, the best option. Buy a good reusable bottle and fill up before leaving your hotel instead of buying plastic bottles on the way, this way, you decrease your carbon foot print to. Nut milks, coconut water are also easy to carry. You may also opt for sugar-free fruit juices.
(Also Read: Coconut Water Benefits: 6 Reasons to Add this Wonder Drink to Your Diet)

Drinks to Keep you Hydrated and Energised in this summer days.

So, which of these snacks would you try? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. 
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